id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-306972-alyyju5x James, Peter Bai An assessment of Ebola-related stigma and its association with informal healthcare utilisation among Ebola survivors in Sierra Leone: a cross-sectional study 2020-02-05 .txt text/plain 5888 264 48 In addition, none of the published studies in Sierra Leone on EVD survivors has explored the sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with EVDrelated stigma. Therefore, we examined the magnitude and the sociodemographic and health related correlates of enacted and internalised stigma among EVD survivors in Sierra Leone since their return to their communities. In addition, our study determined whether enacted and internalised stigma are possible predictors of informal healthcare service utilisation (T&CM use) among EVD survivors in Sierra Leone. This is the first nationally representative study to determine the prevalence of stigma, its sociodemographic correlates and association with informal and nonintegrated forms of health care such as T&CM use among EVD survivors in Sierra Leone. Our finding also resonates with similar short term and smaller sample size cross-sectional studies in Sierra Leone [24, 25, 48] , Liberia [20] , Guinea [49] , and DR Congo [19, 40] ,which reported that EVD survivors experience several forms of internalised and enacted stigma. ./cache/cord-306972-alyyju5x.txt ./txt/cord-306972-alyyju5x.txt