id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-298632-xu1sgguh Tyan, Kevin Investing in Our First Line of Defense: Environmental Services Workers 2020-05-01 .txt text/plain 1106 60 51 Across hospital systems, cost-cutting to reduce EVS staff and cleaning hours has been associated with increased nosocomial infections (1) (2) (3) . In light of evidence that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can survive on surfaces for up to 3 days (5), along with studies demonstrating that viral shedding contaminates over 80% of the interior of hospital rooms (6) and aerosolization of SARS-CoV-2 causes extensive surface contamination (7), it is now more urgent than ever to emphasize the importance of environmental cleaning. Cleaning staff have been whittled down by 25% during this time, and more than one third of hospitals have disbanded their own EVS teams to outsource this work to contractors, shedding valuable institutional experience while exacerbating high turnover and inadequate training (1). To thoroughly disinfect a hospital room, EVS workers need sufficient time, proper technique, and effective tools. ./cache/cord-298632-xu1sgguh.txt ./txt/cord-298632-xu1sgguh.txt