id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-296363-qgoxlqoq Khan, Yusra Habib Threat of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Pakistan: The Need for Measures to Neutralize Misleading Narratives 2020-06-22 .txt text/plain 1533 85 45 We believe that ethical and responsible behavior of mass media, a careful advisory from the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority, stern measures from healthcare authorities, effective maneuvers to increase public awareness on COVID-19, vigorous analysis of information by data or communications scientists, and publication of counter opinions from health professionals against such theories will go a long way in neutralizing such misleading claims. Of these, alleged poor quality of vaccines, questioning of dosing recommendations, religious prohibitions ("infidel vaccine"), and rumors related to the presence of active virus in the vaccines are some leading claims obstructing the anti-polio campaign in the country. 1 Unfortunately, a conspiracy theory against COVID-19 vaccine is currently being spread in Pakistan. A similar approach was adopted by the country when the polio vaccine campaign was hindered by a conspiracy theory claiming that these vaccines were monkey-or pig-derived products, which are forbidden in Islam. ./cache/cord-296363-qgoxlqoq.txt ./txt/cord-296363-qgoxlqoq.txt