id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_zrgejo5lxnhqhdioapyoybvr2u Frank Ferrie Investigating Claims of Eroticism in Images of the Annunciation 2012 25 .pdf application/pdf 6255 452 63 Virgin Mary that she will bear the Messiah, Jesus Christ, is a de"ning moment in By the late-medieval period, the Virgin Mary had been considered a paragon Helvidius in the fourth century, Mary's perpetual virginity was consistently bride as referencing the Virgin Mary, the Church itself, and, at the same time, the soul Scaff argues that because, like Bernard's vision, images of the Virgin were conceived poetry honouring the Virgin Mary often has features identical to profane love poetry Although Christ alone was considered indisputably sinless, the Virgin Mary Indeed, in fourteenth-century Italian images of the Annunciation in particular, the back to Mary's enclosed garden" in other "fteenth-century Annunciation images occasionally move closer to Mary in "fteenth-century images, suggesting a more in the later Annunciation images, but in the light of the Virgin Mary's contemporary sexual ambiguity in other images of the Virgin Mary, most notably, perhaps, the barebreasted lactating Madonna. ./cache/work_zrgejo5lxnhqhdioapyoybvr2u.pdf ./txt/work_zrgejo5lxnhqhdioapyoybvr2u.txt