106 iNForMaTioN TECHNoloGY aND liBrariES | SEpTEMBEr 2009 Michelle FrisquePresident’s Message Michelle Frisque (mfrisque@northwestern.edu) is LiTa President 2009–10 and Head, information Systems, north- western University, Chicago. B y the time you read this column I will be LITA president, however, as I write this I still have a couple of weeks left in my vice-presidential year. I have been warned by so many that my presidential year will fly by, and I am beginning to understand how that could be. I can’t believe I am almost done with my first year. I have enjoyed it and sometimes been overwhelmed by it—especially when I began the process of appointing LITA volunteers to committees and liaison roles. I didn’t realize how many appointments there were to make. I want to thank all of the LITA members who volunteered. You really helped make the appointment process easier. As a volunteer organization, LITA relies on you, and once again many of you have stepped up. Thank you. During the appointment process I was introduced to many LITA members whom I had not yet met. I enjoyed being intro- duced to you virtually, and I look forward to meeting you in person in the coming year. I also want to thank the LITA office. They were there whenever I needed them. Without their assistance I would not have been able to successfully complete the appointment process. Over the last year I have been working closely with this year’s LITA Emerging Leaders, Lisa Thomas and Holly Tomren. I have really enjoyed the experience. Their enthusiasm and energy is contagious. I wish every LITA member could have been at this year’s LITA Camp in Columbus, Ohio, on May 8. During one of the lightning round sessions, Lisa went to the podium and gave an impassioned speech about the benefits of belonging to a professional organization like LITA. If there was a person in the audience that was not yet a LITA member, I am sure they joined immediately afterward. She really captured the essence of why I became active in LITA and why I continue to stay so involved in this organization so many years later. I can honestly say that as much as I have given to LITA, I have received so much more in return. That is the true benefit of LITA membership. Over the last year, the LITA board has had some great discussions with LITA members and leaders. Those con- versations will continue as we start the work of drafting a new strategic plan. I want to create a strategic plan that will chart a meaningful path for the association and its members for the next several years. I want it to provide direction but also be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the information technology association landscape. As Andrew Pace mentioned in his last President’s Message, changes will be coming. While we still aren’t sure exactly what those changes are, we know that it is time to seriously look at the current organizational structure of LITA to make sure it best fits our needs today while continuing to remain flexible enough to meet our needs tomorrow. When I think of the organizational changes we are exploring, I can’t help but think of the houses I see on my favorite home improvement shows. LITA has good bones. The structure and foundation are solid and well built, and as long as the house is well cared for, should last for years to come. However, like all houses, improvements need to be made over time to keep up with the market. The LITA structure and foundation will be the same. When you drive up to the house you will still recognize the LITA structure. When you walk in the door my hope is that you will still get that same homey feeling you had before, maybe with a few “oohs” and “aahs” thrown in as you notice the upgrades and enhancements. As the year progresses we will know more. I will use this column and other communication avenues to keep you informed of our plans and to gather your input. I would like to close my first column by thanking you for giving me this opportunity to serve you as the LITA president. I am honored and humbled by the trust you have placed in me, and I am ready to start my presiden- tial year. I hope it does not go by too quickly. I want to savor the experience. Now let’s get started!