lib-s-mocs-kmc364-20141005045405 BIBCON-A General Purpose Software System for MARC-Based Book Catalog Production Liz GIBSON: Assistant Systems Analyst, California State Library, Sacramento. 237 The BIBCON file management system, designed for use on IBM 360 sys- tem equipment, performs two basic functions: (1) it creates MARC struc- tured, bibliographic records from untagged input data; (2) from these records it produces page image output for book catalogs. The system ac- cepts data from several different input devices and can produce a variety of output formats by line printer, photocomposition, or computer output microform (COM). INTRODUCTION BIBCON is a general purpose data management system for BIBliographic records CONtrol (i.e., for creating, manipulating, formatting and out- putting of MARC structured bibliographic records from catalog card in- put data). The system, shown in Figure 1, consists of seven basic programs which functionally divide into two parts: (a) four programs for creation and correction of MARC-like records; and (b) three programs and an IBM utility sort for formation of book catalog entries from these records. Obviously, a detailed description of such a large and complicated system is impossible in one journal article. A detailed description of the system specifications and user instructions has been prepared and published by the California State Library.1 The BIBCON system was cooperatively developed by the Institute of Li- brary Research, Berkeley; the Library Systems Development Project, Santa Barbara; and the Library Systems Offices at the Santa Cruz and Berkeley campuses of the University of California. The system was developed in response to the needs of the University of California ( UC) and of the California State Library ( CSL) for efficient production of author, title, and added entry listings of their monographic holdings for distribution to their respective clientele groups. The general system requirements for both libraries were the same: (a) With a minimum of expensive manual keying, bibliographic data 238 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 6/4 December 1973 I NITIAL INPUT DATA PROCESSOR VJO~OCO}fP. CONVERSION PROGRAM F1l( UPDATE PROCESSOR AllTO>IAnc FIELD ~~COG. MAl\CilREC. FORMA'TTER SKED OUTPUT SORT~RECOIH) CRE.o\Tt)R P.~>Cero~u OUTI'\I'rPACE FORMATTER Fig. l. BIBCON: Basic System Schematic INmALlNflri' DATA l'I\OC:ESSOR PBlm'SUS PROOF LISTING FORMA. TIER BIPUST OUTPUT ENTitY AND COLOMN F ORMAtTER IBM SORT OU"rPUT FILE SORTER must be prepared for book catalog production, with any of the standard catalog entries as keys. (b) Provision must be made for the widest feasible variety of col- umnar output formats. (c) The format for any machine-readable records must be compatible with the MARC standard. The system has been installed with revisions and modifications on an IBM 360 Model 50 computer used by the California State Library. All pro- - Knowledge Numbers 090 Call Number Main Entry 100 Main Entry Supplied Titles 240 Uniform Title Paragraph 245 Title Collation 300 Collation Series Notes Bibliographic Notes 500 Notes LC Subject Headings BIBCON ! GIBSON 239 650 Subject Added Entry Other Added Entries 700 Author Added Entry 7 40 Title Added Entry (Traced Differently) Series Added Entry 810 Series Added Entry (Traced Differently) Remaining Unspecified Data 099 Remaining Unspecified Data 400 Series, Traced (Personal ) 410 Series, Traced (Corporate) 440 Series, Traced (Title) 490 Series, Untraced or Traced Differently Fig. 2. Variable Field Tags-AFR-MARC II grams in this version are written in the IBM Basic Assembler Language ( BAL) instead of the original combination of BAL and COBOL. In its .first version, BIBCON processed monographic records exclusively. Various programs have now been modified so that the system will also process serial records in a simplified MARC serials format. This article, however, will describe only the system for processing monographic records. The system has been used to produce catalogs of monographs for UC Santa Cruz, UC San Diego, and the one million record supplement to the UC catalog of books.2- • Portions of the system were used to produce the initial copies of the University of California Union List of Serials. The California State Library Automation Project is using this basic .file management system to process both monographic and serial records for the production of several book catalogs. These will include, principally, the California Union List of Periodicals, reflecting the periodical holdings of libraries throughout California, the California State Library List of Peri- odicals, and the Catalog of Books in the California State Library. AUTOMATIC FIELD RECOGNITION (AFR) At the heart of the system is the program which creates MARC-like rec- ords from unedited input data. This program, called Automatic Field Recognition or AFR, identifies control and variable fields and creates a leader and record directory for each record submitted to it. In order to ac- complish this, when a record is submitted to the program, it .first sets aside areas into which data for each of the four parts can be placed. The field 240 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 6/ 4 December 1973 Control Numbers 0 1 0 LC Card Number 0 11 Linking LC Card Number 0 1 5 National Bibliography Number 0 1 6 Linking NBN 0 2 0 Standard Book Number 0 2 1 Linking SBN 0 2 5 Overseas Acquisitions Number (PL480, LACAP, etc.) 0 2 6 Linking OAN Number 0 3 5 Local System Number 0 3 6 Linking Local Number 0 4 0 Cataloging Source 0 4 1 Languages 0 4 2 Search Code Knowledge Numbers 0 50 LC Call Number 0 5 1 Copy Statement 0 6 0 NLM Call Number 0 7 0 NAL Call Number 0 71 NAL Subject Category Number 0 80 UDC Number 0 8 1 BNB Classification Number 0 8 2 Dewey Decimal Classifica- tion Number 0 8 6 Supt. of Documents Classi- fication 0 9 0 Local Call Number Main Entry 10 0 Personal Name 110 Corporate Name 111 Conference or Meeting 13 0 Uniform Title Heading Supplied Titles 2 4 0 Uniform Title 2 4 1 Romanized Title 2 4 2 Translated Title Title Paragraph 2 4 5 Title 2 5 0 Edition Statement 260 Imprint Collation 3 0 0 Collation 3 5 0 Bibliographic Price 3 6 0 Converted Price Series Notes 4 0 0 Personal Name-Title (Traced Same) 410 Corporate Name-Title (Traced Same) 4 11 Conference-Title (Traced Same) 4 4 0 Title (Traced Same) 4 9 0 Series Untraced or Traced Differently Bibliographic Notes 5 0 0 General Notes 5 0 1 "Bound With" Note 50 2 Dissertation Note 50 3 Bibliographic History Note 50 4 Bibliography Note 50 5 Contents Note (Formatted) 5 0 6 "Limited Use" Note 5 2 0 Abstract or Annotation Subject Added Entries 6 0 0 Personal Name 6 1 0 Corporate N arne ( exclud- ing political jurisdiction alone) 6 11 Conference or Meeting 6 3 0 Uniform Title Heading LC Subject Headings 650 Topical 6 51 Geographic Names 6 52 Political Jurisdictions Alone or with Subject Subdivisions Other Subject Headings 6 6 0 NLM Subject Headings (MESH) 6 7 0 NAL Subject Headings Fig. 3. Variable Field Tags-LC-MARC II 6 9 0 Local Subject Heading Systems Other Added Entries 7 0 0 Personal N arne 710 Corporate Name 7 11 Conference or Meeting 7 3 0 Uniform Title Heading 7 4 0 Title Traced Differently Fig. 3 (continued) BIBCON /GIBSON 241 7 50 Name Not Capable of Authorship Series Added Entries 8 0 0 Personal N arne-Title 810 Corporate Name-Title 811 Conference or Meeting- Title 8 4 0 Title identification progresses on the basis of two signal symbols which are in- serted between fields during input and on the basis of the order and con- tent of the fields. When a control or variable field is identified, a standard MARC record directory entry is created, containing the AFR-MARC II field tag, the length of the field, and the starting character position of the field (Figure 2) . Necessary indicators and subfield delimiters are also creat- ed and placed in their proper positions in the field's data stream, and the field, along with its field terminator, is placed into the area set aside for data fields. AFR-MARC II Records It is important to emphasize that the system produces MARC-like rec- ords rather than full MARC records. While the basic record structure is exactly like that of standard Library of Congress MARC, distinctions such as personal versus corporate main entry are not shown by the field tagging and the degree of subfield delimiting is extremely restricted.5 Compare the list of variable field tags for AFR-MARC II (Automatic Field Recogni- tion MARC II) records to that for LC-MARC II (Library of Congress MARC II) records (Figures 2 and 3). At present, AFR-MARC II provides detailed subfield tagging for only two fields, call number ( 090) and title ( 245). This lack of detailed discrimination causes no problem, however, for output of book catalog entries. It can affect filing sequence, since ALA filing rules depend on such distinctions as personal versus corporate author to determine proper sorting. The decision to omit detailed subfield discrimination is a concession to cost. The two principal developers ( UC and CSL) decided that, for book catalog production, detailed subfield delimiting would be of little value and that the benefits of such detail (i.e., ability to sort according to LC filing rules) would not justify the added costs in editing, input, program- ming, and processing which would be required to provide this detail. A sample of an AFR-MARC II record created by the Automatic Field Recognition program is shown in Figures 4 and 6. It can be contrasted with the LC-MARC II record for the same title (Figures 5 and 7). Both a ma- chine-based representation (Figures 4 and 5) and a formatted output ex- ample (Figures 6 and 7) of the record are shown. 242 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 6;4 December 1973 t $aSocial~policy--Bibl. 10 $aUnited~Nations.~~Dept.~of~Social~Affairs. t ~ = blank 1 = field terminator t = end of record rZ ?164 s66. 11.5 00001 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi· zation. Education Clearing Education for community l' 2 fal ~-\tr:a!r!t. n. Title. ( S~rlcs) m, J.., , J.t. 1.1. 1 s I.B5.U37 no.·{ 0 016.370193 ---Copy 2. 1 Z711H.S06US Library of Congress 151 L United Nations. in, i, s r, l, ~&-373 Fig. 4. Sample Library of Congress Card in APR-MARC II Format BIBCON /GIBSON 243 Fig. 5. Sample Library of Congress Card in LC-MARC II Format Input Data AFR creates MARC structured records from unedited input data. To what does "unedited" input refer? Without a program such as AFR, each MARC field tag, subfield code, indicator, etc., for every MARC or MARC- like record must be manually supplied by a human editor. With AFR the input keyer simply indicates that some field is beginning; it is then up to the AFR program to identify the field. AFR will accept input created by a variety of methods. The decision on input method is based principally on cost. Since input costs can vary widely as a result of various local conditions, provision has been made in the BIBCON system to accept data in card or tape format. Keypunch and Op- tical Character Recognition (OCR) input are the two methods used thus far. A sample OCR input record appears in Figure 8. While input instruc- tions will vary according to the input method used, the four basic keying requirements remain the same: 1. Begin an input record with an identification number. 2. Place a field separator symbol before each field (i.e., each indention on the catalog card). 3. Place a different symbol (called a "location" symbol) after call num- ber and after the library location data. 244 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 6/4 December 1973 ERRORS TAG1 IND 2 SUB3 DATA RECORD NO. 0000001 LEADER DIRECTORY 00689nam 00145 , 008004100000090002500041099007700066100009700143245014900240 300001800389410004500407650002500452650002100477700004600498 008 090 $a $c 100 10 $a 245 1 300 $a $b $c $a 410 21 $a 650 0 $a 650 0 $a 700 10 $a 099 $a 710324sl954 Z 7165 S66 US Ref. 00000 eng United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Education Clearing House. Education for community development; a selected bibliography, prepared by UNESCO and United Nations [Division of Social Affairs. Paris, 1954] 49 p. 28cm. Its Educational studies and documents, 7 Social policy--Bib!. Education--Bib!. United Nations. Dept. of Social Affairs. LB5.U37 no.7 /016.370193 /55-373 /Z7164.S66U5 /Library of Congress$ 1. TAG = Field tag. 2. IND = Indicator. 3. SUB = Subfield code. Fig. 6. AFR-MARC II PRINTSUS Output Format 4. End each input record with an end-of-record symbol ·! Variations on these four basic rules may be required because of restric- tions of the input device used, because of variations in content or form of the input data, or because output specifications require nonstandard treatment by the programs. The task of manipulating the varying input into a form which is acceptable to AFR is performed by a program called PREAFR. PRE AUTOMATIC FIELD RECOGNITION (PREAFR) This program provides the interface between any one of the different input methods and the AFR program. Basically, PREAFR accepts data from keypunched cards, and OCR PREAFR accepts it from tape records. Both forms of the preprocessing program combine input data segments until an end-of-record symbol is reached, indicating that all the data for one bibliographic record have been assembled. A character by character search is made, and special characters and diacriticals which were input as special codes are translated into the values necessary for output processing. BIBCON /GIBSON 245 ERRORS TAG IND SUB DATA RECORD NO. LEADER DIRECTORY 001 008 050 0 051 0 082 $a $b $a $a $b $c $a 110 20 $a $b 245 1 $a $b $c 260 1 $a 300 $c $a $c 410 21 $a $b $t $v 650 0 $a $b 650 0 $a $b 00804nam 2200181 001001300000008004100013050003100054051002700085082001500112 110009700127245013500224260001800359300001800377410013600395 650002500531650002100556710004600577 55-373 710324sl954 fre LB5 U37 no. 7 Z7164.S66U5 LBS U37 no. 7 Copy 2 0164.370193 00000 eng United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Education Clearing House. Education for community development; a sel~cted bibliography, prepared by UNESCO and United Nations [Division of Social Affairs. Paris, 1954] 49 p. 28 em. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Education Clearing House. Educational studies and documents, 7 Social policy Bibl. Education Bibl. 710 20 $a United Nations. $b Dept. of Social Affairs. Fig. 7. LC-MARC II PRINTSUS Output Format In addition the program can perform several editing and checking func,.. tions. These functions are optional and are dependent upon the input equipment and upon the wishes of the user. Options such as deletion of data on the basis of special input symbols, checking to determine that the record control number is valid, and production of a file of control num- bers for records in which data could not be interpreted by the input device are standard. Because this program provides the interface between different, nonstan- dard input methods and one standard record formatting program, it is very user-dependent. The basic logic will remain the same, but individual options will have to be added or subtracted by each separate user. 246 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 6/4 December 1973 0000001 R=Z 7164 =Sbb =US Y=REFY=UNITED =NATIONS =EDUCATIONAL, =S CIENTIFIC AND =CULTURAL =ORGANIZATION. =EDUCATION =CLEARING =HO USE./=EDUCATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT; A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAP HY, PREPARED BY =U=N=E=S=C=O AND =UNITED =NATIONS {{=DIVISION 0 F =SOCIAL =AFFAIRS· =PARIS, 1954}}/49 p. 28 CM· {=ITS =EDUCAT IONAL SIIITUDIES AND DOCUMENTS, 7}/1. =SOCIAL POLICY--=BIBL· 2. =E DUCATION--=BIBL· =I. =UNITED =NATIONS. =DEPT. Of =SOCIAL =AFFA IRS· =I=I· =TITLE· {=SERIES}/=L=BS.=U37 NO. 7/016-370193/55- 373/=Z71b4·=~bb=U5/=LIBRARY Of =CONGRESS$+ NOTE: Data are from the catalog card shown in Figure 5. Fig. 8. Sample OCR Input S 0 0.0 0 1 0 0 9 8 It 1 , 8 B - ~~ U 0 E L A I R E W B .5JillOZZ'i0000EQFOEQEDEIFOF~H.E1~1E4C4C503C!t2.Jl2t5404062EpB8.96'tl!.MJUAUOilUM!lllllllill.__ C G P -'1-'l8.5.hfill!tQlEC.lllllll!iift.3.1U9.ll!WiAZA2JUAB!l!JIZAB40C7859699.ll.Qtl2400T96A493~~289968799Q197~~1l9.!1_~- -- R . K • T . R -.S.l..'ll~.QAl!i6.ti!!~95A3B!99B985AZ!t08ZA8400997828599A3'tl!.llU!>llll!B~l!fllUl~AllllWll!!Hill.Allill.'l..~r,~;:____ A .J E • G eS 0 _M,9,9.AliO.Cl93S}B5S54CBl,5l.~QIU.81!J485A240C594949695A2484040~~~Ull.lg£li,489A2A3?.!ll__ u.s. w p • c c • 1'1 ___8.1_MUB.S.a.~t,4C8995.t.013A8~8f24B40AZA840f6CJ69993844007A48~~JlU.~5JlS!illtl~M.~~!t.Qf.l_E2_· 69 189 • • ( .,. • -EM'.S.3.E!tll~ 0 6 2 fl F 8 F!! •OS 7484040899393 A4A2484040 9781 99A340 839693 48,06840 86818 3A2 8'1 94 AZ48 &B!t09] 9699 A3A24B 74 .. . IT . A . .. . . I Q .. B .. _!t._OM)..f2£.A.83!.UR4Df3 A p 8540C 1 9943,942 A340AJ 9_5A44Q8889A240A6969993845D404062069540AZ97~57A4040C 281 A.L..:._ • I _JHt..a59.3.B 1 8999 8 5 5E ,c. 38 8,.. 40 p1 S9A 3 89AZA]40 8195 8440888942 4066 969993 844840 40 62C99 ,8393 A484 8SA 24 0 82 89 82 93 • l • 8 • c p • l 8 . 2 1 - 1 8 __ag_g.6J.l9.!Ul...9.1.8..8.AB..~.M..O!tll6 ZE 1 48 .S.OCZBI 448485 9181 8~998 5684 OC388 81 9993851240078~ 8599998 5~0F 1 FA FZF 169F li_$_ 6 7 • J • . P " G . • . . I I ~ K , R • I. I 1 • Fbf74B401o~llJ..S.ItMS..3-UA36B40C78596998785AZ48404QC9C94840Q2969T916Q400996828599A348404~C2CCJ4840 T - 8 • I S -E.3...8.9..U93SSiAie(v.dc281A.§84esqJ8reQgCjai§5Elr0&38885408t' 9iU389Az.AlA1lW~.889A240A69699~lll448401tDEZ8599. ····· - ~ . . ·-··~~· · ······"'· - -·~ ... . · . ,.·.-~ •; . . - . .. .. .... ... . I II ·ll__O C 0 1 C I o·., l 6 0 3 3 P 2 C 2 6 C • C E400QO£il.ED.E.OE..O£.l.E0Flf00099f9~0F6FOF3F]4007~_f_2F6407999858679401tOC381249761l!!.QU888199 Fig. 9. PREAFR Output Data-Printed From Tape Record PREAFR produces a file of variable length, machine-readable records (Figure 9) which are passed to AFR for formatting into a MARC struc- ture with limited MARC II tagging as described in the section on AFR. RECORD PROOFING AND CORRECTING PRINTS US PRINTSUS is an output program which provides formatted AFR- MARC II records, showing field tag, subfield delimiters, indicators, etc. This printout is designed for proofing of the MARC records created by AFR. Samples of this type output appear in Figures 6 and 7. BIBCON /GIBSON 247 FIX By processing data according to "FIX commands" this program corrects records in MARC format, operating as a context editor. Corrections can be made to content or structure. Entire records can be deleted and new records can be created using FIX "correction" statements. When any change is made, FIX automatically updates the record's leader and direc- tory to reflect the record as changed. There are two input files: bibliographic records, in MARC format, and the FIX correction data. The input records file must be in MARC format and must be in the same order (by record I.D. numbers) as the FIX correc- tion data file in order to successfully update the records. The FIX program method of making corrections is based on the FIX ex- pression, which can be considered as a "language," with rules of grammar governing the structure of expressions (sentences), the order of elements within the expressions and the possible contents of each element (see Fig- ure 10). Output Processor The output processor consists of three programs and an IBM utility sort program. These general-purpose programs, which are designed to create book catalog page output, allow a variety of options for sorting as well as formatting. SORT KEY EDIT ( SKED) This program performs two major functions (Figure 11) as follows: (a) from a single MARC record it creates a record for each point of ac- cess to that record as specified by the program user; and (b) it establishes a 256 character sort key at the head of each record extracted. The file is then passed to an IBM sort package for sequencing. Record Extraction SKED does not actually extract data from the original MARC record. Instead, it replicates the full record for each access point specified. It is left to the BIBLIST program to extract the required data from these rec- ords. Thus, if a particular bibliographic record should have five access points (one for main entry, one for title, two for subjects, and one for some other added entry), SKED would output five full MARC records. Es- sentially the only differences in the output SKED records would be in the data found in the sort keys prefixed to each record. The record for main entry access would contain main entry data as its first element; the title en- try access record would contain title data first, etc. Sort Key Creation Data for the sort key are selected on the basis of user-specified tables. RF.CORD 0200380 . 01 FIX RIPR1'SS!ON 3 1 s 1 1)50 1 I J~PUT l£2 a 1. Loans, Parsonal - S~n Francisco. OOT !'Ul' l.'liJ 1 · a 1 . Loans, Parson u - s an !' nncLsco. 02 PIX !IPR~SSION 2 1 ' c' d FIX COMMANDS IN THIS SAMPLE I~PUT 2~'; 0 a San Prancisc:). v. c2~CI. ttSSnlN OUTPUT 245 0 a san F'~ancisco. v.24c!ll. 01 03 FIX EXPRPSSION 2 1 1 v.24cll. 1 i 1 300 1 I 02 1 NP U:I' l ll S ,, " ~-~'Pr.~::rn·r. r#ic-o~·-v·;ncm. v~ OUTPUT 300 a v. 24cm. 04 245 0 a se:n l'rancisco. OS 04 FII ~IPRESSJON 2 1 I i!l I cd 1 1 'Report.• INPUT 245 0 a san 17ranci:;c:>. - 100 10 a san Francisco Reme~ial Loan Association. OUTPUT 245 n a Reoort.san Francisco. 100 10 a S<~.n Francisco Remedial Loan Association. u::>7IX :O.:XYR~ SSTOH-------z-1-Tport.-~-C .., -. HPU'! O!JTPfl'!' 245 0 245 0 a a P.e~ort.san Francisco. ....... Report.._fan Francisco. Fig. 10. Sample FIX Data, Illustrating FIX Operations COO£ MEANING 8 set field tag c ~data ~ ify -fi·era- cd ~&~ ata c ~data Report. ~ 00 ...... I ....... .Q., t""« J J a No 0 ;:s < ~ 0';) ~ tJ Cl) @ g_ ~ ..... ~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SKED SUBSYSTEM FUNCTIONS OF PRINCIPAL TABLES ORIGINAL MARC REC. BROAD PROGRAM FUNCTIONS F!ELDTABLE 1. EXPLOSION OF RECORD. User indicates the fields to be extracted Leader Directory Cant'! Var. Field table is used to determine and their heirarchy. Fields Data number of "Skcd Records" to make. Stream For each field selected, the next table is 2. EXTRACTION OF DATA; SORT consulted by the program. KEY BUILD For each Sked record to be made, I the program cascades through the three tables as is required, in order FIELD CONTROL TABLE to properly extract the data from the MARC record to build sort keys. For each field selected by the field table, the control table provides a pointer to the 256 byte sort key is created. matching subfield control entry in the next 3. CREATION OF SKED RECORDS . 1-..;':;:ab~le=( see=be==-lo=::w~).;_. -:--:---------1 Original MARC record is rep1icated "SUPERBLANK": Indicates the number · of and unique sort key is affixed to blanks to be placed at the beginning and the front end. end of each field. ~....;..;..._....;..;..._-,rl~---j SUBFIELD CONT'L TABLE SEQUENCING: For each field selected, indicates the sequence for subflelds to be placed in sort key. BLANKS: Indicates if blanks are to be placed at the end of each sub6eld (for SKED ~--~so~rt~in~g~p~u~~~se~s~)~·------------------~ RECOtJRS I I INITIAL ARTICLES: Indicates if Initial EXAMPL E nrticles should be dropped in each subfield. Conditions Require 3 MISCELLANEOUS EDITING: All upper SKED Records ca:<>e ; remove blanks; drop punctuation; etc. -----------.---_;;C;.;:O;.;.P;.;.Y_O;;,;F;._., + COPY OF COPY OF - SORT KEY NUMBER 1 - MARC DATA - SORT KEY NUMBER 2 -MARC DATA SORT KEY NUMBER 3 - MARC DATA R (Main Entry) M 1-0 ~ v ... t/': R (Title Added Entry) M II// 1/: I/ v.~ R (Name Added Entry) M vv v v v E SWTH, JOHN@JFIRST I V.1 !/':: f/.; V .I E FIRST WORLD WAR 40 I I' /[/ V E DOE, JANE 40 FIRST I 1' .1 r -' C WORLDWA!r@)I96710 S v/V/ J/ V.1 C SMITH,JOHN40!96710 S r/V/v V C WORLDWAR40SMITH, S I .1 [/ VV V/ c l /.-t:~:vv . f- c l/ v / 1-- JOHN40196710 c 1/ v ~ I~V I/~ ~ l/ ~l~v: ~ [/VV~ ~ ~ 256 Byte -----i ~~ ~ ~ ~ +--- 256 B)ie _____, ~ v rj~ ~ ~ 256 Byte~ I.~~ f~ V: Fig.ll. General Desc1·iption of SKED Sttbsystem tl:l ....... tl:l r.J a ~ ...______ 0 1--( t::d {J') 0 z 1.'0 ~ ---------------·- ··· ·· _____ _____ !;;_l}I..:t.fO~l'UlUl.'l'A't'lLLI..l.ffiAIU__ ____ _______ _____ _ ·-------··--·- ··- PAGE 3 SAMPLE SKED TABLES - AUTHOR/TITLE LIST --·- ·-· ------ ·· ··- --- ------------- - ···- ·- ~---· ------------------------- ···-------······· ···----- tnc: nA.IFr:T r.nnF. ~II DR I Af.IJR? ST ~T 50URt:E STI\TF.MENT Fl51lCT70 l./OH7Z 11'1 *· ······ ... . .. .. . .. ·- .. .. .... _. . ......... 0~01)~'>~0 ~·1 * F I' F F F F F F F F F F U 'J11)fl~'l70 'l() * L 'L L L l l l l L l L L N 01\0fJil'>~O --·----·--·-'ll........ o __ -lJ _ ___ o. o. o ........ o.o o o . o .. ........ o o u ... __ DO'JIJO'''JO .. ... 'l7 * T T T C l L [J 9 2 F I I S 001101000 I< l (I 1)1)1)1)( 0'•0 97 ... ·--- ......... - ·-· . - ···· .... -·-- ...... ..... .. . ... ....... 1)!]1\0111~1) ~q • 000010~0 q9 o BYTE 0 .I I> 1 ~ I 1 I I I I 1 I 000n1 OHI ---------- ---·--------· ·--- ··--100 .. ~ _____ ........... ---·· ....................... 0 .• 1 .l.3 4 ... 7 .. 6 .9 .. ·· -· ···--·--·----. O~(IOIOAO .. .. 101 * OOOQII)QQ tn7 • IJnnnlti)O .. ona1 1 r:...Ftof:lf.~ll~tlJCUf51l5----·--·-.lCJ _______ IJC ___ .J:.! 400 '· ,x .0. ilOOQ OOMM00010' SEP.IF.S-COR 0·101JII~? 0 OIH6C f?F.-1 r•;t~'l:l~O~F'li:S 1 cq llC (. '<''•5', X' 0 C·1•J10E 51JSQ01)01·70000il000f\0QDF r.IJ01J0' ITt'.( I OIJOIJl\60 .. Oilll.!~\l. l'~f' '-oX 1.000000.ESU500JUF 1000000 JOOOOO~ 10000' ..... .IME.l---- 00001200 .- 00r.'.i 11'1 l.lC r. 'I XX 1 1X 'l)tlllOCl0[~tJSC.1'1ClF30flllOOOIHJ00~0 !)0D0•10' 000 1)1 Z 10 OOIHIIO FOF~fRIH)OtiOIClCI II~ llC C't11Jfl 1 oX''•F'o70 ............... ··- ·----· -·--· ----·---·- ·-----· __ 115 .. ~.----------· ·-·- ·-·····-- -·-- ...... ... . - ---- ..... ______ .. 00001730 -· OO.nft, f4F4rC:rooor,nF'>r.~ 11~ OC f.''I'I0 1 ,X'003:JOOr-51J'i00<11JfiFFfFFl101101lCOOI)MO• SERIES-TTL 000!112'10 00;1'\FR F?F'ol' 'ir.olO'lrllF'>f.'i 117 I;C C'2'~~;•,X•0•J0·1CJOr~·.J~OOilOF?000003100001F'l0000' ITMEI COIJOIZ50 -'lOO•oOC .FOFOI:tl0._ )Jq * ~O~!JIZ•O oo14'C! fOftl'rr.::n .woF>r: 'i I?O nr. f"! l'1' ,x•o'l!iCJil11Jru-rrrr-.l'lU~OOO~F 3JOOUOOOOCOOO ·~•HJ000' 00')()1300 00:14~1: FOFOHtlflOOLS. --IHni-Corps•en. (Chico, 196q] 50p. illas. Sponsored bJ the California Dept. of Education, Dhision of Co11peasatory Education, Bureau of CoU•uDity SerYices aDd. :Hgra.nt Educat.ion, Peb.-A'119· 1968. 1 .. children of aign.nt laborers--Educatioa. 2~ Teachers--Butte co., Calif. 1. F.lecurntaty and secondu:y educatioa act. If. Educatioa--California.- -Buite co. 5>. social17 baDdicapped c:.taildrea-- Educa.tion. c:GPS GPS CI.I.IPORirlll. &D'US081 COI!ftiSSio• 01 VOftElC~ --Day careo .. Tnnscrip.t of the ..,ublic hearlnq held joJntly with senate aad Asse•blt social Melfec~ coaa ittces. san rrancisco, October 11, 18, 19h~. 22dp .. 1. D-ty nurseries .. ll@b!t D) GPS CALIPOR:tU. ADYISOitf COrllSITTEE 01 COftP!MSATORf EDUClTIOII., -.:..Reconeadations for Pxpansion by the California State Legislature of the state Cospctn1iatarr Education ptograll base" on tho rtcAt@~r act. [ 196~?) 46p. Paul r. J,avtence. chau:•.._n. 1. CaUCornia. Advisory 'ln co•pt!~satorr Education. 2. t't[ceptional children--Uuc:at1on. l .. Socially handicApped childreD--Educahon. C170 Rl CPS CALIPORIIU. BUREATJ 0, ET.E~EMURI f.DUCA1'101. --CJilifot'nia proql."a.ll for tbe ear" of children of \forkinq po\rcnts. S<~cra~ento, Califocnia state Dept. of e;tucation ( tqu] 1 h, 12'S pa incl. lllusa (plaas) tllbles. for11s. 21 c•. (CaliforniAa Dept. of education. Bulletin of tlle California state DP.['artaent nt education, wol. Ill • no.6l .. Prepare4 by the Diwision of ele11entary el\ucation.•-- rorevord .. Rihlioqraph:!': p. 79-101. 1 .. DctJ nur~e~:im;. 2. childr•n--Cbarities. protll!'ction, etc.--Cctlifornia.. J. World vat, 19)9-- Childu·n. 1200 88 '1. 12 ao.,6 CPS 'rh~ California children's centers and preschool educatioDal proq~ss. See under: Califoroh .. Legislati•• laalyst .. L42'l C41 GPS C&LIPORifU. CO!'!rsiSStOlf POR SPF.CUL EOtJCAtiOJ,. --The education of pbysicdJ., handic .. pc~ children. Prepare~ by the C0211ir.~ion for:- spP.Cii\1 P.dllCiltioD of thP. CaliforD.ia state Oepat't:.ent of ll!'dueation. Saer&aento. Calitot'nia state Dopt. ot elluc:ttioa (19111] wiii, 121, (1] p .. 2 .1 ca. (California. Dept. of education. nullnti~ of the Callf:>rnia state Oepa~:ti!IPnt of education, •oL x. no.12) lt h"ad of title: ••• Oecpallel', 19111.Coataias biblioqrapbies. 1. Oefecti't'e and deliaqu.,nt claases--P.~IIColt:ioa. 2 .. Cbildrea, lbnol'•al and bacltvard. l. Edue"tl01l and childten. "· !docl!ltion--Califoraia. £200 88 '1.,10 D0.1Z GPS ClLIPO!UUl. COD!DUlTllfC COnNCIL POR HICII!II EDUCATIOM. --California biqbet educ;stion IID4 the dis:a!!Yantaged: a status report. n6a. 67p. on cou~r: lh1•ber 10J2. 1. Education .. lligbt>t. 2. nnlu~r!litiP.s and colleges--California. 1. student aid--california. If. socially handicapped childrP.n--!ducatioa. El'JO 06 GP5 --Co1lifornh hiqher Adacatlon and the disadvantaC)e4; a status rP.port 68-2 for prosentation to the Council, Pehruary 1CJ, 1968. 86p. 1 [ Pablie .. tion] 68-2) 1. EduciltioD. lliqher. 2. Schohrships--califotnia. l. Students--Califot"nh. 4 .. Stud<-nt aid-- Califot'nia. 'l. Socidly handicApped children-- Califol'nia. to .. llniversities and c:olleqes-- California. 1. "P.r~onnPl s~rwice in P.ducatlon-- California. R. Uniwcr s itie:o; and colleqes-- Ca li fornia--r.n tra nc" rtoq ui rfl'•en ts. J"1lf0 llh GP!l --nse- of cxc, ion!; to ad .. i:lRion!'; s t"'rtdar-ls for a.:il!li:;sion t"t .!iS·l•h.1nt.,'l ~d !';tU:1Pnt,,: !l nivPrRity of CalitornirJP.S--F.ntraneP. rr.quireaP.nts. 2. Univ~rr.itics anr1 cotlr.ttea .. - California. l .. CollpP.ns.ltory ~r1ucation. F.19D Al GPS Fig. 15. Sample BIBCON Output: CSL Education Catalog rials. Additionally, portions of the software have been transferred successfully to the Hennepin County Library, Minnesota. Disadvantages: 1. Personnel Dependency: BAL: The system is written in Basic Assembler Language, thus neces- sitating the services of an experienced programmer. MARC: Because the system operates upon MARC structured record format, the average programmer may well have a difficult time in dealing with the added complexities introduced by this aspect. 256 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 6/ 4 December 1973 OPTIONS: The wide range of options provided by the system neces- sitates highly complex programs which may be difficult for the average programmer to grasp readily. 2. Equipment Dependency: IBM: Because the programs are written in IBM Basic Assembler Lan- guage, the system is presently usable on IBM equipment only. Conclusion The BIBCON-360 .system is a versatile and inexpensive method for pro- ducing book catalogs, when a wide range of format options are i·equired and when the catalogs must contain bibliographic information with more than one entry or access point per bibliographic record. If a simple, main entry catalog is needed, microfilm reproduction of the catalog cards may still be much cheaper. BIBCON-360 is most useful for producing large scale catalogs (e.g., un- ion catalogs) to be distributed widely to assist in the effort to provide the widest possible dissemination of library information at the least possible cost. REFERENCES I. California. State Library, Sacramento. Automation Project, A Users' Manual for BIBCON 360; A File Manngement System for Bibliographic Records Control {Sacramento: California State Library, 1972), 274p. (This manual, produced in limited quantities, is now available only on interlibrary loan.) 2. University of California, Santa Cruz, Author-Title Catalog of the University Library (Santa Cruz: University of California, 1970), 32 v. 3. University of California, San Diego, Autlwr-Title Catalog; Subject Catalog (San Diego : San Diego Medical Society-University Library, 1969), 350p. 4. California. University. Institute of Library Research, University of California Union Catalog of Mortograplu; Cataloged by the Nine Campuses From 1963 Through 1967; A Supplement to the Catalogs of the University Libraries at Berkeley and Los Angeles Published in 1963 (Berkeley: University of California, 1972), 47 v. 5. U.S. Library of Congress. Informatilm Systems Office, MARC Manuals Used by the Library of Congress (Chicago: ALA, 1970), p.42. 6. California. State Library, Sacramento, Recent Works in the California State Library in Science and Technology (Sacramento: California State Library, 1972) , p.426. 7. California. State Library, Sacramento, Special Education Problems; A Catalcg of Materials in the California State Library (Unpublished). (This topical catalog was output only to test refinements to the BIBCON-360 programs. It was not published, but the sample pages produced illustrate furth er refinements in formatting and sorting routines.)