lib-s-mocs-kmc364-20141005044633 162 Grant Project Information via a Shared Data Base Justine ROBERTS: The Library, University of California, San Francisco A quarterly keyword index to campus grant projects is provided by the Health Science Library at the University of California, San Francisco, using a data base created and maintained by the campus' Contracts & Grants Office. The index is printed in KWOC format, using the chief inves- tigator's name as the key to a section of project summaries. A third section is also included, listing the summaries under the name of the sponsoring department. INTRODUCTION Communication channels between the computer center and the library at the University of California, San Francisco are open despite the "normal" and accompanying library use traumas of an all-purpose university comput- i.rig center. Thus the library's chief administrator received an immediate, if un- expected, response to her statement of campus need for subject access to information about local research and training projects. As she summarized it, the information need is expressed as "Who is doing what, where, with what amount of funds?" Such queries about campus work come to the Health Science Library regularly, but had often remained unanswered be- cause of inadequate published sources and the lack of easily accessible local sources. Neither the campus Contracts and Grants ( C&G) Office, nor any other campus unit, had files organized to allow inquiry by subject or by department name, nor were any departments staffed to provide a general information service of this nature. Previous investigation by the library had revealed the fiscal infeasibility of extracting citations of publications on campus research projects from a commercially available data base. The latest locally compiled directory of campus work was eleven years old. Response by the computer center director to the library statement was a suggestion for a three-department cooperative project between the library, the computer center, and the C&G Office to produce a quarterly index of the machine-readable administrative file of the latter department. This accession-ordered file is comprised of 1441-character records which provide for 42 data elements needed by the C&G Office to monitor the progress and fiscal status of all extramurally funded projects and proposals (Figure 1). Grant Project Information/ROBERTS 163 214G-1000.40 D0+15 1G404~61 .. 1FDRSHAN TOlANO!l15 , .... 0527110TOU~T06l0720701700ftlDlZT IAINJNG G«.ANr ,,. FNoOCRtNa..ciGf- , OTAii£-,Es - ---=- -· ···· ·- ··ao .. ·~oooo oooooooo ooaooooo o:)oooooo noooooo'l ooonoooo oo QO D90Q OOQOQOOD P QQ DOOQO OQOOO QO Q OQ®CJO'r' OOO QQOO O 00000 0 30 OQO O ' 0 OO Q.ZZ4146 U l 00 0 S4ll6l 00050119QOOQ09 QQ00005Z2 1}Q D04 1] 460 oooaoo00241~ l '5JOOI,4li"000'50Jl~OOOOOOD0004~ft0200045 14000000000 00 OOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00 ooocooooooooooooooooooooooooO!lODooooOoOOiiOODOoOO ·~ ·-··-oa-oooooooooDooOi,-OooooooOoooo"-oo""oo"'o"'oo""oo"'o"-oo""oo"'o"-no"'oo"'oo""o:------:oo"'"""o"'oo""no""o"'ooo= o""o"'oo'"'ooo"' . . Q1JOO QODQQQODQOOOOOOOOOOQQj)~-~-QQO.QQ.l1t)Q_Q~.Q.Q0J).Q..Q.Oo;>OJ><00t!!JDOmO"-'OOtl!JOOlJL0>J<'0!!!JOOlJ!_OO!!J!O!!LO _ __,.OO!!_!!!OOlJ!_OO!!J!O'l!)DO'-"'OO .. O""OO!JlOO"'O!!!JOO"'OOI!!IO.!l!DDlli!DDil!IOl!lOO"'OO""O""'-DO OOO CCIOOOOOOOOOOO oa oooooooooooOilnooooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooooo 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOQO -·- - --oo oooooooooooooooooooooOOoOOOoooOoOoOoOooOoOciOOOoo :J 1 ~o 11111010 t 720610 no lOt7206l07l OO Moooooo ttl r4 2 o , ooto4 3'911600 1 06'9U t 1 .. ...QQJ 0 9607 IIP Q ll ltl 2l'9 0 0 115)512 0 - --· ·- -··--·-- -- ·· - ·- ---- Fig. 1. Dump of Contracts & Grants Office Master Tape Record Original specifications for these project records had in fact included a gesture toward information retrieval in the form of a 5-digit "discipline" code; this code had quickly become null when problems of maintenance and interpretation revealed themselves. However, the regular monthly entry and updating of other descriptive data was already twelve months under- way at the time the cooperative project was suggested. LIBRARY INDEX The original proposal for a library index to the C&G file was production of a standard KWIC (keyword-in-context) index to project titles, to be based on use of an IBM SHARE library program developed by computer center staff. After review of available library programs and output, the product was finally specified to be a KWOC (keyword-out-of-context) in- dex to project titles, using the chief investigator's name as key to a second 'bibliographic" section of project summaries (Figures 2, 3). A third section was added to list project summaries indexed by campus department name (Figure 4). The C&G file included 12 elements which the library considered to be of general campus interest. These elements, comprising the project summaries, are: ( 1) project title; ( 2) chief investigator's name; ( 3) award status (i.e., funded or proposed); ( 4) project site (i.e., campus or affiliated institution); ( 5) project type (e.g., training, basic research, applied research); ( 6) grant number; ( 7) total project duration to date; ( 8) award period; ( 9) award amount; ( 10) granting agency name; ( 11) campus department; and ( 12) school. Items 10, 11, and 12 of this list exist as numeric codes in the records, --:....-;;;;-:--c:-:--:-:c-:--'""""'!oi-Sif\G-CC,...MUf\ITY iErifil HEili 1- - --·· · -·- - - DUNLAP ... MENTAL HEALTtt PRINC.IPL[ S AND EARLY EDUCAT W N f (J it OEAF CHILDREN SCHLESINGER, H ~~~~:~l~~ !~ T=E~:~:~=~ ~~ ~f :~M~E~~~~6:~ ~ ~N H:~!!~~T ~ ---------.oiJSi:Ji=LI'ft~To~t,..\5NG:"!t:•o.c· ~~ -- HElABOllt ROUTES & THEIR CthTitCL SINGER, 1 ~~~~~~~-'i~~~;~~·~s~~~~~2!-'la~~O;;C~~~Tc.;:~:~ot· !~I ~Nf E~7:~~~~~~1 ~SMH1-BOL-IS-M - -- tA:::~·/ STUUTES Cf BILE PIGMENT I"'LTAtiOLlSM SCHMID, R Sa! :~~: ~" "~~ 4~~~:~" .~V£ ~~ '\i~e~A~:!:~uf!Jf2~' ~\1!!2C;;TE,;oe"'s•T ----------~~~/t¢~~t:·o.JL" ,.-. --- tNetR.N ERROIIS QF METAtiCLI SM SMITH, L "-*w.lffiS'-''-'-~---l:~iffi~~~~~~~ o: ~~p~~o~~~~~ii~k~~~~~·~~·~;tt~~:" ceu s ___ ~-----~~n~at .. " Fig. 2. Keyword Subject Section 164 journal of Library Automation Vol. 6/3 September 1973 _,uc..._..Sf-:_j,jli'-"J:B .. A ... BfL-------...ti.ll.....UlHtL<;l A _ t_:_r;_FI_~•li.J1!.!2t.K _..21JliL,j[;L_ _ _ ________ JP:AAG!ilEc__.L19"- ""'•"'o"se'""•"'"'•u:-,--cw:-.- .- .- . -.- .,..,LY"'•"'•H"'cc" Y=TE &li"~UN E CY1 Ct·~ · sTs- · - ~ ·- ... ----- PATHoluGv Pfi(~ j lVPE 8 SllE:UCSf AWARD CCONTJIIIUEOI ----- ----"YP"-!!...J.I .;t!'t!CJ .(ll__TO !?/31/i.r.) AGENCY CC.Zl __ _!!N""c:._,RO,_.I_,t.,_A0,_,7"-19"'1~--,.----- AOSEtiiAU, w. • ••• lRANSHR FACT(l FI -CHARACHR t. ROLE TUMOR IMMUNITY --------~~=~TH~~u,.lC~ .. ~~icii/fj' TO. '6f3C~.Q..tJ~1';~0~ AG~~~~~-: NU: ~=&B Q ...!•~o~Sfeo!N.!.!TH!!!.A'-'L ''-'''-'''-'-' ~· ~·_.<;EX"-T~~:~~D~E~~~~t!\~:0:~~"uf'f~~;'t~:t4l fIELDS GF p;~~T ~~:~ :1-NE~~~~~UCSF AWARD 't'R 5 C IJ/01170 TO 4/30/HI AGENCY 0061 NO: ROlNS-09146 - ."'c"'TH""•"'••,-,""'s'.- .- , -. - .- -cs"Et'""RE'""T"'Io'-'N'"'P"'R"'cT"'E""'IN7S ·&IiNSeY F.ANU.'faT ____ ---- ·------ .•• --· - , ···- DENTISTRY PA.OJ lYPE 8 SITE:UtSf PROPOSAL RUO,.,tO:, A ... • • • THE FCREST CYCLES CF UENGUE IN M.tlAYSU HCCPEII fCUNCAl ION PRIJJ TYPE B '-'-'U.CI ~~-=~~~-;~~,·~2~1~/c,'~'l:'~-T~o,._:s'~- '=''~~~·~·-~~~~-~=:::~~~~~~:;~~~~~~--- Fig. 3. Chief Investigator Section with decoding tables comprising a separate file at the beginning of the tape volume. These items, together with items 3, 4, and 5 are coded on input but are not uniformly edited by the regular C&G update program. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Necessary program functions included the selection of active grant records and the editing, decoding, and formatting of selected data elements for printing, and the extraction and sorting of index terms. These functions were divided between a main routine coded by library staff, an indexing subroutine and print program written by a computer center staff member, and an IBM utility sort. Local programs were written in PL/ 1, using the newly installed PL/1 Optimizing Compiler, and provided several tests of the compiler's capacities. Only projects currently in "award" status, or which have outstanding proposals during the preceding twenty months, are selected for printing, approximately two-thirds of the file at this time. These conditions are tested on various data fields in the C&G record, and data from selected records are reformatted into a partial print line and passed to the keyword extraction ,..t: n iCINt-, C.J:~E i.!A~-fJ~f S."I· i~lll. M!SCiiPTrmi'tf t=EI't.~-lCt'lr-: tP[;i,- · SO:(Gl U ~' tldC.JNf: P.-l:J TYPE H SITE:UCSF- JH:C I tiNE' GF.I\ERiol • HGVLAT TEN 'CF·' P.'ftfHANSf.()pi1iffGN' fNTHELTVf'R Si.HI:C L GF ~LOJC.INE Pfi.C J TYPE ti' StTE:UCSf ,.ECII':IH, GHEJ.IAl • P41Ht:ttiE'5iTTi:' ACLH Hr-:1-l 'fAill.:l,·l: S( Hf.Ll Gf MFfliCINE P'-'~J TYPE ~ SllE:V .~ -::;~E"'o"'I t"I ;:;-;N E,-, -,Gc;oE N"'E"'•A""L- .--;:;""'"'•"'••"""""TH'r'RG 'f C. ((iii C INC G E 1\ S. SCHCDL r.F "'~IHCINt Pllf1J TYP[ 0 SJTE:UCSF nDtClf'.li:, bHEMI\l ,. lY.SYl OliVAS£ K(:'t l~HC;'f.'N' C: Vi"--SS (il'-."it' t'NG St:Hl:l Of MI:CICWE tl'-'(I J TYH b Stlf.:UC.SF PROPOSAL PROPOSAL PROPOSAL • PROPOSAL P~C.POSAL CCONTJNUED. 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HIST OF HEALTH S tl _ _!l!!t;t<~F~I.lJift!JI,":L!,BIX.X---:-'-------"U'ts F t i] J\!IflACTS &._G.B.A.tllS....ll:tlla.-. __ ._____2/...L'lLll------- - - ---"M.I'---'-- •••••FilE2 II.EAO EI'I'ORS ----------~A.CifNCY C.OOE~~T . IN CC.G UBL'E -·---- - -·--- - - DEPf • CCOES NOT FOUND ------------ - ------ -- SUE CO DE S NOT FOuN