295 LISTINGS OF UNCATALOGED COLLECTIONS Fred L. BELLOMY: Head, and Lies N. JACCARINO: Systems Analyst, Library Systems Staff, University of California, Santa Barbara, California. An operational computerized system used by the UCSB Libraries produces listings of bibliographic data about items in collections where full cataloging treatment is not considered justified. The system produces listings of the brief bibliographic records sorted by any of the data elements in the record including up to twenty-five subjects terrrl8. Of special interest are the authority listings of descriptions and the coordinate indexes to the full records. INTRODUCTION This short report was extracted from the more comprehensive document, Listings of Uncataloged Collections- Systems Documentation, Santa Barbara: University of California, December 1969, Library Systems Docu- ment LS 69-11. The Library Staff at the University of California at Santa Barbara is using computerized procedures to produce a variety of listings of biblio- graphic information about items in uncataloged collections. Although many similar systems undoubtedly have been developed to do similar jobs, this one is noteworthy in two respects, first in being well-documented and sec- ond because its versatility has been tested on three totally different col- lections. The machine programs, written in PL/1, were first used to list the UCSB Art Exhibition Catalogs Collection, but they were designed to be versatile so that they could he applied easily to other similar collections 296 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 3/4 December, 1970 as well. At present these programs are also being used at UCSB to list the documentation of marine pollution due to major oil spills (The Oil Spill Information Center). The programs have been successfully tested also on about one hundred items of the UCSB collection of Early American Trade Catalogs. Application to other collections (such as the phono record collection or video tape file) has been studied and is feasible. Although it is usually difficult to use programs that were not specifically tailored for a particular user, these programs represent at least one instance where attention to versatility and the probable broad scope of possible applications has resulted in a system capable of producing listings for different collections at any location where there is access to an IBM System 360 Computer and a staff capable of adapting about a half dozen Job Control Language ( JCL) statements. The machine written listings of catalogs provide a limited amount of bibliographic data about each item in the collection. The advantage of such listings is the expedition with which a new, not-yet-cataloged, collec- tion can be made accessible. DESCRIPTION As a first step in obtaining a listing, library staff members examine ea~h item in the collection to be listed and transcribe the necessary bibliographic data to an input work sheet (Figure 1). Information on the work sheet is keypunched into one or more punched cards. These records, once in the computer, can be sorted in various ways to provide a variety of listings. Master listings can be produced at desired intervals (e.g. monthly). Multiple copies of each list can be produced, and the sheets of computer printout are a convenient form of access to the material when individual copies of the list are separated and placed in hard-board binders for distribution to the Library Service Desks. Program "packages" (i.e. JCL decks) contain many comment cards, so that each package is self explanatory after very little instruction. To keep the system simple for the librarians who use it, separate "packages" have been prepared for each different listing (or combination of listings) decided on. Listings of the full records (see Figure 2) have been prepared now by 1) classification letter, 2) accession number, 3) year of "exhibit", 11) mai~ and secondary subjects, 12) agency name, 13) agency city, and 17) author. Obviously, others are possible. Listings of subjects (Figure 3) and agencies with the number of times each was used accompany full record listings by subject and agency. These are used as authority lists for future term assignments. Another package, ARTINDX, is used to produce co- ordinate indexes by subject, agency, author and others. An example of the subject index is shown in Figure 4. Such indexes are used with a master listing of the full bibliographic records in accession number order. This method reduces the amount of printout required to provide many different description approaches to the collection. Listings of Uncataloged CollectionsfBELLOMY and JACCARINO 297 CATALOG COLLECTIONS Input Worksheet Column 1. Classification letter ___ 2-3 2. Accession Number 4-8 3. Year of Exhibit 9-12 4. 8&W Illustration No. 13-15 5. Color Illustration No. 16-18 6. Chronology (Y=yes, N=no) __ 19 7. Bibliography No. Pages __ 20-21 8. Bib.Ft.Notes (Y=yes,N=no)_ 22 9. Pages No. 23-25 10. Spare 26-30 11. Subject(s) (separate with ";"} Var 1 2. Agency name Var 13. Agency City Var 14. Agency State Var 1 5. Agency Country Var 1 6. Title Var 17. Au thor _________ _ Var 18. Spare __________ _ Var Note: Data elements 1-10 are fixed field and are to be keyed into the card columns indicated. The card sequence number is always keyed into column 1. Data elements 11-18 are variable field and each is to be terminated with a"". Every record must contain exac tly eight of the s e end of variable field marks (" "). Fig. 1. Input Worksheet for Catalog Collections. A~T E~H I B ITION CATALOG IN DA TE SEQUENCE DECEMBER 1, 1968 PAG E 3 ~ <---------A GENC Y---------> <~O.> <-------------SUBJECT--------------> <---------------~O I ES ,AUT HOR ,TITLE , ETC . ---- -----------> g5 BRITISH MUSEUM LONOON ,GREAT BR ITAI N AR ITI SH 'I USEUM LON OON,GREAT BR ITA IN f iTZ WILLIAM MU SEUM CAMBR I DGE,GREA T BRITAIN MAGGS BROS. LONOON ,GR EAT BRITAIN KLEIN~ERGER,F .,GALLER I ES NEW YORK , NEW YOR K USA OROUOT, HOTEL PARIS , FR A.'lCE NATIO NA L LOAN COLLECTION T RUST LONDO'l,GREAT BRITAIN BELVEDERE VIENNA,AUSTRI4 OROUOT , HOTEL PAR!S,FRANCE MAGGS BROS, LONDON,G REAT BRITAIN NAT I ONAL HUSEET CO PENHAGEN , OENMARK 933 BRITISH MUSEUM, LONOON,GRE AT BRl TA INt COLLECT I ONS ,HA NOAOOKS MANUAL S AND GUI'lES; LONDON,GREAT 8R ITAIN ,GA LLERI ES AND MUSEU~ S,COLLECTI ONS; BRONZE AGE,EUROPEAN,COLLECTIONS; BRON7.ES,EURO PEAN, CP.LLfC TIONS; ~RONZES,CELTIC,COLLECTIONS 113 BRITISH MU SEUM,L ONOON,G RF.AT BRITAIN, COLLECT IONS,HANOB 80KS MANUALS AND GU I OF.S; LONO'lN ,GREAT BRITAIN,GALLER I ES AND MUSEUMS,COLLECTI ONS,HANDBOOK S ~ANUALS ANO GUIDES; ART, fGYPTI AN, COLLECTIONS 774 FITlWILLIAM MlJSEUM,CAMBRIOGE,GREAT BRITAIN,COLLECTIONS,HANDBOOKS MAN UALS AND GU I DES; ChMBRIDGE,GRO.AT BRITAIN,GALLERIES AND "USEU MS,COLLECTIONS,HANOBO OKS MANUA LS AND GUIDES 670 GRAPH I C ARTS 70 1 PAINTING, ITALIAN, 15TH CEN TURY; CHARITJES,AMERJ CAN,20 TH CENTURY ; PAINTING,JTALIAN,l6TH CEN TURY; WORLD WAR ,l914-191 8 tCHARITIE S, A"ERICAN 7 2 SA I NT-AUBIN,GABRIEL JACQUES OE,l724- 1780; GRAPHIC ARTS,FRENCH,18TH CENTU~Y 789 NAT IONA L LOAN COLL EC TION TRUS T, LONOON,GREAT BRJTAI N, CO LLECTIONSt HANDBOOKS MANUAL S ANO GUIDES; LONOON,GREAT BRITAIN,GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS,COLLECTIONS: PAINTING,COLLECTION S 224 TAPESTRY,GOBELIN 70 UHDE,WILHELM,l874-19~7; COLLECTORS AND COLLEC TING,20TH CENTURY 669 GRAPHIC ARTS 641 HANET,EDOUAR0,1 832-188~ ; PAINT I NG , FRENCH,19TH CENTURY Fig. 2. Sample Listin g of Full Record. 11905 1 1~8P 1153 BtW llL US t 1 COLOR !LLUS , INC . CHRONOLOGYI AUTHOR: lEA),C~ARLcS A.;SHIT H, REGIN AL O; TillE: GUI DE TO THE ANT!~UIT IES OF THE EARLY BRONZE AGE OF CENTRAL ANO WESTERN EU~JPE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BRITISH AND MEDI AEVAL ANIIQ UIT! fS !BRITISH MUSEUMI 119091 32SP 1233 Bt tl I LLUS, 1P BIBLIOGRAPHY, FOOTNOTES, I NC. CHRONOLO:OY I AUT HOR: BU'lGE,E,A .WAL LIS ; TITLE: GUIDE TO T~E EGYPTIAN COLLE CTI ONS IN THE BR ITI SH MUSEUM 119121 240P 1223 B&W ILL US I TITLE: PR IN CIPAL PICTURES OF THE FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM 0 CAM 8RIDGE 119151 105P 127 B&W IL LUSI TITl E: ENGRAV I NGS , ETCHINGS AND DRAWINGS ! CATALOGUE 134?1 119171 26 0P 1102 B&W I LLUS , 3P BIBLIOGRAPHY, FOO TN OTESI AUTHOR : SIREN,JSVALO;BROCKWELL ,MAUR IC E w.; T ITL E: LOAN EXH IBITI ON OF ITALIAN PRIMI TIVE S IN AIO OF THE AMERI CAN WAR RELI EF 119191 63P 140 BtW ILLUS, FOOTN OTES I TITLE: EAUX-FO RT ES ORIGINALES , GRAVURES,OESSINS , L I VRES ET CATALOGUES !LLUSTRES 119191 1l3P 153 BtW lllUS, IP III BLIOGR APHY, FOO TNOTE S, INC. CHRONOLO~YI TITL E: CAT ALOGUE OF PICTUR ES IN .THE NATIONAL LOAN COLLECT ION TRUST,LONOON 119211 71P 124 BtW IL LUS , FOOTN OTES I AUT HOR: BALOASS,LUOW I G V~; TI TLE: KATA LOG .OER GO~ELINS-AUSS TELLUNG I PART 2 OF A WORK I~ 3 PARTSI 119211 IZP 11 6 3tW ILLUS) TITLE: CATALOGUE DES TABLEAUX: AQUARELLcS,OESS IN S,COLLECTION UHOE , SALLE N.l. 119221 146P 142 BtW I LLU SI TITLE: ENGRAVINGS,ETCHINGS AND DRAW I NGS ! CATA LOGUE •4301 11 9221 36P 17 Bt w ILL US , 1 P BIBliOGRAPHY, FOOTNOTESI T I TLE : EOOUARO MANET CUISIAL LNIN G AV HANS ARBETEN I SK4 NDINAVISK AGOI '0' ~ ~ - ..Q.. t-t & a "'t ~ f .,... 5" ;'$ < 0 ~ c.o -t+>-- d (!) n (!) g. (!) v'"t ~ ~ 0 Listings of Uncataloged CollectionsjBELLOMY and JACCARINO 299 COUNT 1 3 l 1 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 fl 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 8 3 q 1 1 1 2 R 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 23 3 1 57 SURJECT PA I~TING,AME~ ICAN ,2 0TH CENTURY, 1qA3-1967 PAINTING,ARGENTINEr20TH CENTURY PAI~TING,AUSTRAIN,15TH C~NTURY PAINTING,AUSTRALIAN,20TH CENTURY,l954-1966,COLL~(TIONS PAINTING,AUSTR!AN,lBTH CENTURY PAINTING~AUSTRIANrl9TH rENTURV PAT~TING,AUSTRIAN,20TH CENTURY PAlNTING,AUSTRIAN,20TH CENTURY,COLLECTIONS PAINTING,BAROQUE,OUTCH,l7TH CE~TURY PATNTING,BAROQUE,FLEMISH,1?TH CEN TURY ?AINTING,BAROQUE,ITALY PAJNTING,BAROQUE,lBTH CENTURY PAINTINGrBELGIAN,lQTH CFNTURY PAINTING,BELGIA~.20TH CENTURY PAINTING,BRASILIAN,20TH CENTURY DAI~TING,BRITISHrl9TH CENTURY PAT~TING,CANAOA,ZOTH CE NTURY PAINTING,CANADIANrl9TH CENTU~Y PAINTING,CANADIAN,2 0 TH CENTURY PAINTING,CHINESE,COLLECTI ONS PATNTING,COLLECTtnNS. PAINTING, COLLECTIONS PAINTING,CZECHOSLOVAK,17TH CENTURY PAINTING,OUTCH,COLLECTIONS PAINTING,OUTCH,17TH CFNTURY PATNTING,DUTCH,1qTH CENTURY PAINTING,OUTCH,20TH CENTURY PAINTING,ENGLISH,COLLFCTIQNS PATNTING,ENGLISH,NOR~I\.H SCHOOL PAINTING,ENGLISH,l6TH CENTUPY PAINTING,ENGLISH,18TH CENTURY PAINTING,ENGLISH,l9TH CENTURY PAJNTING,ENGLISY,19TH CENTURY,COLLECTIONS PAINTING,ENGLISH, 20T H CENTURY PATNTING,ENGLJSH,?OTH C~ETURY PAl~TING,EUREPEA~ PAINTING,EUROPEA~ PAINTING,FLE~ISH,COLLECTI~NS PATNTING,FLEMISH,l6TH CENTURY,COLLECTIGNS PAT~TING,FLEMISH,t7TH CE~TURV PATNTING,FLEMISH,17TH CFNTURY,COLLECTIO~S Pt.TNTING,FRENCH PATNTING,FRENCH,COLLECTI0NS PATNTING,FRE~CH,l6TH CENTURY,l530-1619 PATNTING,FRE~CH,l7TH CENTURY PAtNTING,FRENCH,17TH .CENTURY,CrLLECTlONS PAINTING,FR ENCH,J~TH CcNT~RY PAINTING,FRE~CH,lRTH C~~T~RY,COLLECTIONS PATNTING,FRENCH,19TH CE~TURY PAINTJNG,FRENCH,19TH CFNTURY,CnLL~CTIONS PAlNTING,FRENCH,l9TH CENTURY,t892-1897 DAJNTING,FRENCH,20TH CENTURY Fig. 3. Subject Listing. OIL OIL SPILL INFOR"ATION CENTER Sli8JEC T IN DE X tC TOBER, 1970 PAGE 102 OH c.o 8 OIL IHPORTS.HISTDRY ~E 0007 ...... 0 ~ OIL IHFC~lS.~ESlRlllll~S JO Ol.lJ '"'t ~ ~ ...... OIL IN NAVICA8l£ WATERS ACT 119221 Jt 1100 J O 1013 JO 1195 .Q.. JO 2065 ~ .... OIL IN NAVIGA8L£ WH£RS ALT .AMENDHENTS J~ 1100 ~ 119631 ~ ~ OIL LANDS NE 0603 JO 0129 ~ 1:: OIL lUKAGE J() 016 0 GP 0068 ..... 0 OIL LEAKS JO 0038 ~ ..... .... OIL POllUTION GP UO.lO GP 001l GP 0012 JO OOU GP OCC4 GP OOSS Gf 0 056 GP 0057 JO 0008 GP 0069 0 ~ GP 0060 JO 1011 J G 002 2 JO 0103 GP 0034 JO 002 5 J t 0Cl6 JO 0037 JO 0098 JO 0009 JO COijO JO 2021 J O 0032 JO OIH GP OC61t JO 003.5 JC OC86 JO 0071 JO 0118 JO 0039 < J(; 0100 Nf 101t1 JO 0 082 JO OISl JU OC11t JO C0~5 JC OIU J~ 0087 JO l l~t8 JO 0089 JO 0120 Nf 2111 JG 0092 JO 1013 JO OOllt J O C105 Jt 0126 JO 0097 JO 2018 JO 0099 £. .JO 10oU Nf 2261 JC 0102 JU 1213 JO CC41t J(J 0115 JC Olit6 JU 0127 NE 0608 JO 0109 JU 1100 JG 0132 NE 0603 Jll 0 094 J O 1165 Jll 1196 JO 1067 NE I 008 JO 0129 c.o J~ 20QO Jll 1002 NE IOU JU 010 4 J() £ 025 J( £036 JO 1297 Nf 1088 JO 0199 -NE 06IU JC lOll NE IUS) Jll 0154 JO 2065 NE 2016 r.e· 0607 NE £048 J O 1209 ,;:.. Nf 1040 JO 1092 NE 1073 JO 1014 NE 0615 M 21t6 hE 1 0 67 NE 2088 JO 1229 NE 1070 JC llti2 NE 2U03 JO IC44 NE 2035 NE 2246 ~E 2097 NE 2188 JO 1299 NE 2090 JO 2002 NE 2083 JO IC54 NE 2045 1<£ 2.l5t H 2257 NE 2228 NE 0609 t::J NE 22•0 JU 2012 N£ 2093 JG 1C6'< NE 2085 "E 22~6 I02 NE 210l JO 1084 Igrams might never have been developed.