178 SUBJECT REFERENCE LISTS PRODUCED BY COMPUTER Ching-chih CHEN: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Massa- chusetts (formerly University of Waterloo) and E. Robert KINGHAM, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. A system developed to produce fourteen subject reference lists by IBM 360 f75 is described in detail. The computerized system has many advan- tages over conventional manual procedures. The feedback from students and other users is discussed, and some analysis of cost is included. INTRODUCTION The University of Waterloo, with the third largest enrollment in the province of Ontario, was the first in Canada to institute a "cooperative education plan". Undergraduate students enrolled in cooperative courses (all engineering and some science, mathematics and arts students) spend eight four-month terms at the University for academic studies, alternated with six four-month terms with industry or government for practical expe- rience related to their academic programmes. An IBM 360/ 75 at the University of Waterloo is the heart of the largest university computer installation in Canada, and is an important tool for faculty, students and administration. Under multi-processing it can serve many departments through terminals around the campus. One terminal serves the Data Processing Department of the Computer Centre, where all the maintenance and printing of various reports required for the pro- ject under discussion are handled for the Engineering, Mathematics & Science Library ( E.M .S. Library) . The E.M.S. Library contains approximately 75,000 volumes of mono- graphs, periodicals, technical reports and government documents, and Subject Reference Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 179 currently receives 1,650 periodical titles. It serves about 4,500 on-campus students and more than 300 faculty members in the fields of engineering, mathematics and science (in 1967/68), and provides assistance on request to business and industry in the area. SYSTEM Since E.M.S. Library users have frequently requested subject reference lists to guide them in the use of library materials, and library reference statistics have proved that there is a justified need for them ( 1), the ref- erence staff began, in the Fall of 1966, to investigate means of compiling and producing these lists. It was planned that each subject list should first be prepared and edited by reference librarians, but at that point, conventional manual procedures should be abandoned in favor of using the computer available on campus. In this way, operations in revising and updating the lists and in adding new lists in other subject areas would be simplified, manual clerical work would be reduced significantly (no typing would be needed) and titles related to interdisciplinary areas of study could be easily coded to appear on more than one list. Although library literature contains numerous accounts of library auto- mation programmes ( 2), it is very obvious that the chief emphasis has been on technical services and circulation applications. So far as "reference services" or "information services" go, many developments have been dis- cussed in recent years in the areas of documentation, indexing, retrieval techniques and systems, selective dissemination of information, inter- library communication, etc. . . Concise summaries . can be found in many papers (3, 4, 5, 6, 7). However, in the initial stages of developing our system, we failed to locate any existing mechanized system of producing subject bibliographies for reference use. Such subject reference lists could be easily generated if the library catalogue were in machine readable form ( 6, 8), but since a computer- ized catalogue was not foreseen at Waterloo for some time to come, the library had to design and develop an independent system to fulfil refer- ence needs. Since December 1965, the University of Waterloo Libraries have achieved success in producing a Serials List by computer. The techniques used in the original Serials Project (using an IBM 1620 with card input) which started in Spring 1965 and was completed in December 1965, were not new, and the fields and codes used were based on modifications of those used by the National Research Council Library ( 9) and Dalhousie University [the Dalhousie - AA U list] ( 10). These techniques have also been used with various modifications at several libraries in the United States, such as M.I.T. Libraries ( 11 ). In 1966, the Waterloo Serials Project was greatly modified by conversion from IBM 1620 to IBM 360, and from a card system to a tape system, by re-writing the FORTRAN II pro- 180 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/3 September, 1968 gramme in RPG (Report Programme Generator) and by expanding and adding certain data fields. The reference project was initiated in November 1966. It was apparent that, after the revision of the Serials Project, the newly improved serials. system could be adapted to maintain the Master File of the reference subject lists. The project is unique in that it uses a separate code structure that makes possible the provision of information from the Master File by types of materials within each subject area. It was decided that the existing Library Serials Maintenance Form could be used with minor modifications to produce reference lists. The original form was . modified to facilitate maintenance of the Master File by the lib_rary reference staff and easy transcription onto cards by keypunch op- erators. Through the use of these forms, the Master File was created and is kept up-to-date. Reference Master File There are four record types in the Master File, each of which is 64 characters in length. They are stored on tape in a blocked length of 6,400 characters for faster processing on the computer, tape being a relatively slow input-output device. The fields in each of the record types are as follows: 1. Reference 1st Record 1-7 Serial number 8-10 Record type code 1 [blank] [blank] 11 Form type 12~21 Classification number 22-32 Cutter number 33-34 Agent number 35 Country code 36 Language code 37-38 Department code 39 Serial exclusion code (for future use) 40-42 Sequence number 43 Library location 44-64 F~ller (for future use) 2; Reference Title Record 1-7 Serial number 8-10 Record type code (2NN) 11-63 Title information 64 Filler (for future use) 3. Reference Holdings 1-7 Serial number 8-10 Record type code (3NN) 11-63 Holdings information 64 Filler (for future use) ' ( Subject Refetence Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 181 4. Reference Notes Record 1-7 Serial number 8-10 Record type code ( 4NN) 11-63 Notes information 64 Filler (for future use) LIBRARY DATA PROCESSING YES ADDITIONS Fig. 1. Flowchart of Maintenance Run. COMPUTER PRINT RUN --, I I I I I I I I I I I I I __ J I i r ( 182 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/ 3 September, 1968 Programmes were written in R.P.G. ( 12) to achieve operational status rapidly with a minimum of debugging. R.P.G. is a problem-oriented Ian· guage designed to provide users with an efficient, easy-to-use technique for generating programmes. A set of specification sheets is required, on which the user makes entries. The forms are simple and the headings on the sheets are largely self-explanatory. LIBRARY I DATA PROCESSING I SOURCE '1'0 MAI~AliCE .., ___ ...._ __ -t FORM OH DISPLAY IMTBE LIBRARY Fig. 2. Flowchart of Listings Run. COMPU'rER PORLIC 'l'RANSACTION SORT PUBLIC PRINT RUN Subject Reference Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 183 There are three phases to the E.M.S. computer runs: 1) Maintenance Run (weekly or as required) (Figure 1); 2) Listings Run (monthly ) (Figure 2); 3) Masters Run (semi-annually) (Figure 3). . PRINTS!iOP SUBJJX:T REFERJlfCE BOOKLETS PRINTED LIBRARY AVAILABLE 'lO STUD!m'S '-----1~ AT. 25¢ P!3 COPY Fig. 3. Flowchart of Masters Run. COMPUTER 184 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/ 3 September, 1968 Library Maintenance Form Most of the fields on this form (Figure 4) are self-explanatory; how- ever, the following may need further definition. LIBRARY MAINTENANCE FORM SERIAL NO. [ lXI I I I I I I • I >P l • lsl•l7 le l' INSERT: "A" F OR ADDIT ION,"(;" FOR C:HANGE, OR "D" FOR DELETIO N F 0 R M <:LASS IF I CATION <: UTTER. I /K I I I I I l l_L I I I I SERIA LS- WHI TE REFERENCE - PINK AGNT. <: L DEPT . S E F. CODE T CODE N A NO. E & 8. ~ ~ ·~· SEQ. NO. 5 y <: R N N N I l 10 II 11 ll 14 IS 16 17 11 19 20 2 1 22 21 1 4 1 5 16 17 1 8 19 30 31 l2 ll H lS 16 37 38 19 40 41 42 4] 4<4 45 WHEN "CHANGE' ' HAS BEEN CHECKED ABOVE - AN O- IT AFF ECTS TiTLE HOLDINGS OR NOTES I NDIC ATE THE TYPE OF CHANG E WITH A-A DD ITION C-CHANGE 0-0ELETION HERE; PLACE A LI NE TY P E CODE T-TITLE H-HOLOING N- NOT ES HE RE;; PLACE TtlE SEQUENCE NUMBER WITt~IN T HE LINE TYPE HE RE : l 10 ll·l l 13 I S 20 25 ) 0 Fig. 4. Library Maintenance Form. Columns 1-2: Card Code There are six possible codes: 35 •o 1. A[blank] New entry to Master File. so 5 5 __l I 60 65 2. C[blank] Change to Record Type 1 (see Cols. 10 - 12 as described below). 3. CAl 4. cc~ 5. CDJ 6. D[blank] Change in lines for an existing entry on the Master File, which add, change or delete respectively title, holdings and/ or notes. Deletion of an entry from Master File. Subject Reference Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 185 Columns 3-9: Serial Number (Major Sequence of Master File) Serial number is assigned to every new entry to maintain the alpha- betical order of the complete listing. It consists of one alphabetic char- acter taken from the first letter of the main entry, followed by six nu- merics which serve to make each entry unique within the letter. Columns 10-12: (Minor Sequence of Master File) There are four record type codes: · · 1. Record type 1 One record permitted per entry ( informa- tion on call number, subject matter of the entry and other data). Cols. 11 & 12 not 2. Record type Tl Record type H ~ Record type N J Column 13: Form Code used. Col. 10 contains "Title", "Holdings" & "Notes" information respectively from Cols. 13-65 inclusive. Cols. 11 & 12 permit up to 99 lines per record type per entry. This alphabetic code represents form of publication, e.g., "A" stands for "Abstract", "P" stands for "Periodical'' etc ... Column 39-40: Department Code This numeric code indicates the subject list or lists which reference librarians. assign to each entry, and there are two code types: 1. Prime department numbers, of which there are 14, e.g. 20 Physics ..... to appear on the Physics list. 2. Implied department numbers : to appear on 2 or more of the prime department lists. e.g. 41 Math., Phys. & Chern. _..,... to appear on the Math., Phys. & Chemistry lists. 60 General _ ____ ..,... to appear on all fourteen sub- ject lists. etc. . . Column 42- 44: Sequence Number Col. 42 is always "R", which stands for "Reference List". Col. 43 & 44 is a numeric code which indicates type of reference materials. e.g. 12 REFERENCE BOOKS - DICTIONARIES 14 REFERENCE BOOKS- HANDBOOKS AND TABLES 60 ABSTRACTS AND INDEXES where .. REFERENCE BOOKS" & "ABSTRACTS AND INDEXES" are section headings, and "DICTIONARIES" & "HANDBOOKS AND TA- BLES" are sub-section headings. 186 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/3 September, 1968 Pre-edit Report The programme that produces the Pre-edit Report (Figure 5) checks the maintenance transactions for the following known error conditions: 1. Card code invalid. 2. Serial number invalid. 3. Sequence number invalid. 4. First record card columns 46-80 should be blank. 5. Agent code invalid. 6. Country code invalid. 7. Language code invalid. 8. Department number invalid. 9. Exclude code should be "X" or blank. 10. Reference code invalid. 11. Library location invalid. 12. Deletion card should be blank card columns 10-80. 13. 1st record card missing on addition. 14. Title, holding or note card sequence error. 15. Title, holding or note delete card should be blank card columns 13-80. 16. Title, holding or note, addition or change card should be blank card columns 66-80. This step catches approximately 80% of the clerical and keypunching errors. PAGE 1 REI'ERI:lIT REI'ORT liAllCR 0}, 1968 S , B,-W'T· SERIAL EX REF.LlST R-80 LlB.LOCN, 1)200000 ADDITION TITLE TOl DESIGN QUARTERLY. D200000 ADDITION HOLDING HOl 1966/67- D520700 CHANGE TITLE FROM DIRECTORY OF BRITISH SCIENTISTS, LONOON, E. BENN, 'f01 TO DIRECTORY OF BRITISH SCIENTISTS, Vi03100 CHANGE BOLDING FRO!~ LIBRARY HAS VOLS. 1-3· B01 TO LIBRARY HAS VOLS, l-It, M4o8ooo .... ATTEHPT TO ADD NEW RECORD HAS BEEN UNSUCCESSnlL - SERIAL NWmER EXISTS ALREADY .... CARD COLUMNS .. . . 5 ••• 10 ••• 15 • •• 20 ••• 25 .. . 30 ... 35 .. ,40, .. 45 ... 50 ... 55 ... 60 ... 65 ., .,INVALID CARD A M4o8oool BE331 B55 40 Rlelt A66 88 4 D36 D36 82 Ito 4 4 E9 60 4 Nl?3000 .... ATTD!PT TO CHANGE A RECORD HAS BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL - ADD T,H OR N SEQ.NO, EXISTS ALREADY .,.,CARD COLUMNS .. , .5. , .10 ... 15 ... 20 ••• 25 .. ,3Q ... 35 ... 40 ... 45 ... 50 ... 55 ... 6o .. ,65 •••• INVALID CARD CAN173QOOH02 1925-1962// 111?3000 .,.,ATTEMPT TO CHANGE A RECORD HAS BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL - ADD T,H OR N SEQ.NO. EXISTS ALREADY ,.,,CARD COLUMNS , ... 5 ... 10 ... 15 ••• 20 ••• 25 ... 30 ... 35 ••• 40 ... 45 ... 50 • • • 55 ... 60 ... 65 ... ,INVALID. CARD CAIU73000N01. SUPERSEDED BY ITS HIGHWAY RESEARCH RF.X:ORD, MASTER/l'ILE RECORDS READ 6292 lltlMBER OF RECORDS ADDED 162 NUMBER OF RECORDS DELETED 55 MASTER/FILE RECORDS 'riRITTEN 6399 lltlMBER OF INVALID MAINTENANCE RECORDS NOT PROCESSED 8 Fig. 6. Maintenance Report. 188 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/ 3 September, 1968 3. Two types of error conditions that fail to appear in the Pre-edit Report due to the absence of the Master File in the pre-edit pro- gramme. a. Additions where serial numbers and/ or sequence numbers ( Cols. 10- 12) exist already. b. Changes/deletions where serial numbers and/ or sequence numbers are non-existent. 4. Master File maintenance statistics on: ·~ a. Master File records read. b. Number of records added. c. Number of records deleted. d. Master File records written. e. Number of invalid maintenance records not processed. Addition List This list (Figure 7) is an alphabetical summary (in serial number se- quence) containing added entries only from the "maintenance" run. In- formation on call number, complete bibliographical data of the entry, department or subject code ( Cols. 39 - 40) and location are printed for each entry. This augments the Internal Reference List between the "list- ings" run (see Figure 2). PAGE 1 REFERENCE ADDITION LIST FOR_ WED< ENDING ~ANUARY 30, 1968. SERIAL A262000 ABS QDl A 53 D200000 PER NK1 AG CNTRY L DPl'. 85 T01 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY • lf02 ABSTRACTS OF PAPER. HOl 196?- 60 E9 TOl DESIGN QUARTERLY • HOl 1966/6?- D56.5000 REF Z?916 D6 01 TOl DOC~TS DIGEST. H01 VOL. 16, NO. ?- Fig. 7. Addition List. LOCN ma. ma. ENG. Subject Reference Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 189 Internal Reference List This is a complete alphabetical list (Figure 8) of all entries on the Master File, similar to the Addition List (Figure 7) in arrangement and format. The serial number sequence facilitates the reference staff assign- ment of unused serial numbers to new entries and the easy location of serial numbers of entries for updating purposes. This document is the prime source of information for maintaining the Master File. Public List The main list (Figure 9) is first divided by subjects of which there are fourteen: Mathematics, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sci- ences, Physics, Design, Management Sciences, Aero Engineering, Chemi- cal Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering. Each subject list is further divided into the following sections and sub-sections: 1. REFERENCE BOOKS a. GUIDES TO THE LITERATURE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES b. PERIODICAL LISTINGS c. DICTIONARIES d. ENCYCLOPEDIAS e. HANDBOOKS AND TABLES f. DIRECTORIES -INDIVIDUALS PAGE 1 SERIAL A002500 PER TK1 A8 A020000 PER QC221 A4 A028ooo PER QD1 A325 INTERNAL REFERENCE LIST AG CNTRY 1. DPT • REF X R 48 R80 T01 ASEA JOURNAL H01 VOL. 32- 1959- N01 PUBLISHED WITH ABSTRACTS 60 RBo '1'01 ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. '1'02 JOURNAL, H01 VOL. 17• 1945/46- 44 RBo '1'01 ACTA CHEMICA SCANDINAVICA. H01 VOL. 1· 1947- Fig. 8. Internal Reference List. . FEBRUARY 5, 1968. LOCN ENG, ENG, ENG. 190 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/ 3 September, 1968 CHDiiSl'Rt PAGE 4 ENCYCIDPAEDIAS REF THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIIDUSl'Rt. 21> ED. QD5 NEW YORK, REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP., 1966. E.58 REF HAMPEL, CLIFFORD ALLEN, ED. QD.553 THE FZfCYCWPEDIA OF ELFX;TROC!m4ISTRY • B3 NEW YORK, REINHOLD, C1964. REF INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHE24ICAL SCIENCE. QD5 PRINCETON, N.J., VAN NOSTRAND, 1964. I5 REF JACOBSON, CARL ALFRED, ED. QDl55 EJICYCLOPEDIA OF CHOOCAL REACTIONS. NEW YORK, J} REINHOLD PUB. CORP., 1946-1959. 8V. KINGZE'rl', CHARLES THOMAS. KINGZE'rl'S CHEMICAL ENCYCIDPEDIA, A DIGEST OF CHEJfiS'l'RY &c ITS INOOS'l'RIAL APPLICATIONS.gr ~:;:H~._~ PRINCETON, N.J., VAN NOSTRAND, 1966. Fig. 9. Public List. g. DIRECTORIES- ORGANIZATIONS h. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 2. STANDARDS AND PATENTS 3. IMPORTANT SERIES 4. THESES 5. ABSTRACTS AND INDEXES 6. PERIODICALS Reference Booklets It is planned that semiannually the E.M.S. Library will receive from the Computer Centre the computer produced Masters, which are exact duplicates of the public list except that they are printed on unlined paper with a special printer ribbon. The Masters are then sent to the University's Printshop, and the fourteen separate reference booklets are printed from offset masters photo-reduced to 75% of the original. This results in a publication of convenient size (8~"x5~") with clearer typo- graphical representation than the actual computer printout. Figure 10 shows a representative page from the Aero Engineering list of the first edition. RfF THO) F.~7 RFF TAll .E~ REF TA'I J6~ REf l~C63 A~ ~2 REF Q 17.1 1032 Subfect Refet·ence Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 191 AtRON, ENG , P~GE 6 T~E Et;CYtLOP(DJA OF F.NGI~EERING IUHIUALS ANO PROCESSES, NfW YCP~t R~INI'CLI) PUB, CORP,, 1'163, HCYCLOPEilU OF HCIMF.RING SIC:NS ANC SYIII'OlSo NfW YOR~, COYSSF.Y PI\FS~, C\'165, JONES, FRlN~LIN DAY, fC, ENei~FERING F.NCYCLOPEOIA, 30 f.O, NEW YORK, INOUSTI\Ul PRESS, C\'163, KEMPE S ENG INFERS YF.AR-IIOOK, 720 Ell, lCNOON, "ORGAN BROTI'F.RS, l9H, 2V, l MCCRAW-HILL ENCYCLOPEDIA QF SCIENCE ANO TECHNOLOGY, REV. f!), NEW YllRK, ~CGRAW-HLL, 1'166, 15V, ~CC~AW-Hlll YEARBOOK Of SCIE~CE ANO TECHNOLOGY, NFH YORK, ~CCRAW-HilLt 1'16?.- HANOftOOKS AND TABLES REF TJZ33 1572 TJIU6 A~6 TH07 J.7Z ~EF OClU 8~5 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING ANn "ATF.RIAL S, COII"T TTEE ~-1 D n f 'ON-C~ROIIIUII, IRCN-CHROMTLIII- Nl CKElt ANO RELUED AllOYS COMPILATION, CCIIFILATION OF CHEll I CAL COMPOS IT IONS AND RUPTURE STRENGTHS OF SUPER-STRENGTH ALLOYS, PHILADELPHIA, 1'16 .... AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ~ECHHICAl ENGINEERS, ASME HANDBOOK, 2D F.D, NEW Y~RK, MCGRAW-HILL, 1965- LIBRARY HAS YOL o l • AIURICAN SOCIETY OF TOOl AND HAN\.IFACTURINC ENGINEERS, MACHINING THF. SPACE-AGE ~ETALS.,, CEARBORNo HICHIGAIC, 1'165. ARMCUR RESURCH FOUNCATIONt CII'ICAGO, HANDBOOK OF THHHOPHVSICAL PRI)PERTHS OF SOliD MATERIAlS, REV, EO, NeW YORK, IICIIILLAN, 1'161. 5Vo AVIATIOt; ACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPME~T TECHNICAL HANDBOOK, l'IH-1958, BENEDICT, ROftF.RT P, HA~CftCCK CF GENERILlZEC CAS DYNAMICS , NEW YORKo PLENUH ~RESS DATA DIVISlllNt 1966, Fig. 10. Page (Actual Size) in the Aero Engineering List. •' •' ,. ' I I I I I I ' 192 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/ 3 September, 1968 Table 1. Information on First Edition Copies Number Estimated Copies Ordered Sold to of printing First Second Students & Subject pages cost/ copy printing printing Faculty Astronomy 9 14c 30 40 7 Biology 16 18c 90 37 Chemistry 16 18c 150 64 Earth Sciences 22 2lc 50 19 Physics 15 18c 100 44 Design 14 17c 50 12 Management Sciences 11 16c 30 100 88 Mathematics 15 18c 150 81 Aero Engineering 20 Chemical 20c 30 40 11 Engineering Civil 28 24c 100 46 Engineering Elech·ical 23 22c 100 57 Engineering Mechanical 26 23c 100 65 Engineering Nuclear 27 24c 100 44 Engineering 16 18c 30 40 5 DISCUSSION First Edition An estimated number of copies for each list, as shown in Table 1, was ordered on the basis of sttident enrollment figures in different depart- ments of the faculties of engineering, mathematics and science, and on the subject matter of each list in relation to the academic programmes of the University. It was hoped that those copies could adequately meet the demands of students, faculty and interested people outside the U ni- versity until the completion of the second edition, tentatively set then for September 1968. The first edition of the reference lists was available for distribution at the end of November 1967. Experience having shown that free library materials were no sooner received than discarded, it was decided to give some value to these lists by a charge of 25¢ per copy. From the start stu- dents responded so enthusiastically to ·the lists that one week after their , - Sub;ect Reference Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 193 availability, the Library had to order 100 additional copies of the second printing of the "Management Science" list, and by the end of February 1968,. 40 additional copies each of the "Aero Engineering," "Nuclear Engi- neering" -and "Astronomy" lists. Table 1 gives information on quantities printed, costs, and sale to students and faculty of first edition lists. The estimated printing cost per copy is based on printing of 100 copies. · Mter the announcement of the availability of the lists in several library professional journals, the E. M. S. Library received many letters of inquiry and requests for complimentary copies. Complimentary distribution was made of 12 sets and some 80 lists of different subjects. Purchase orders were received for 83 complete sets "Of lists, 21 from Canada, 58 from the United States, and two each from Australia and England. By the end of -March 1968, stock of the first edition was exhausted, and there were still 44 purchase orders unfilled and 28 filled only partially. Questionnaire Instead of ordering more copies of the first edition from the University f'rintshop to meet the requests received thus far, the reference staff de- cided to work on a second edition, and the original scheduled completion date of that edition was moved ahead to early June 1968. ' Although the E. M. S. Library had already received many valuable suggestions and comments on the project from Waterloo faculty and in- terested librarians in Canada and the United States, including some very enthusiastic library school professors, there was little feedback at that - time from the immediate users, the students, on their use of the lists. Since addresses and department affiliations of most of those who pur- chased lists had been recorded, it was possible to send out questionnaires (Figure 11) to 210 undergraduates, 122 graduate students and 30 faculty members in the beginning of April 1968. By April 20, 65 returns ( 31%) were received from the undergraduates, 41 ( 33.6%) from the graduates and 11 (36.6%) from the faculty. A summary of those returns, shown in Table 2, has been of great help in assessing the value of the first edition. From the replies it is certain that almost all who purchased lists found them useful and would be willing to buy the updated edition. Most im- portant, students used the list for research' 'purposes (including term pa- pers and thesis work), thus fulfilling the original purpose of the project. Another fact emerging from the questionnaire ' was that the number of serial titles included should be greatly expanded. Second Edition Reference librarians started at the end of April to update the fourteen subject reference lists by incorporating the valuable feedback and com- ments received and to compile the fifteenth list, "Optometry" (the Uni- versity of Waterloo has had a new optometry school since September 1967). Many changes, additions and deletions have been made, and the 194 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/3 September, 1968 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO - E.M,S, LIBRARY According to our records, you have purchased one (or mQre) of the reference booklets. In order to plan for a second edition, and to a ssess the value of th~ first edition, we would be most grateful if you would fill out this questionnaire as completely as possible and mail it to us before April 20 1 1968. It is not necessary to sign yo~r name. 1. HaYe you used your reference list? a, If so did you find it helpful? Yes Yes 0 No 0 No 0 0 b. For what purpose did you use the list? RegularD Studies Research o (Including Term Papers, c. Did you use the list in place of the serials list and card catalogue? 2. Did the list save you time in your use of the library? 3. Should the list include more or fewer titles? Yea Yes More a, Which area~ do you feel should be expanded or deleted? Thesis Work) 0 No 0 0 No 0 ~~ Fewer ~~ Expanded Deleted GUIDES TO THE I.ITERATURE & BIBLIOGRAPHIES •••••••••••••• PERIODICAL LI STINGS ••• , ••••••.•••••• · •••• , • •••••••• , , , • , DICTIONAR~ES • •• •••• •• .•• •. • • .••• •..•. • •• , • • , , •• , •. , • , .• ENCYCLOPEDIAS , , ••• , • , •••••••••••• • ••••• , •••••• , • , • , • , • , HANDBOOK AND TABLES , • , •••••••.•••• ••• , ••••• , ••• , •••• , •• DIRECTORIES- INDIVIDUALS •••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• DIRECTO!UES - ORGANIZATIONS ••••••••••• , • . ••••••• , , • , , , • INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES •• , ••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••• STANDARDS AND PATENTS ••••••••• • •••• •• ••••.•••••• , , , •• , • IMPORTANT SERIES , , , •• , , ••• •• • • •••••••••••• , • , , •• •• , • , , • THESES ••••• •• ••• , • , ••••••••••••••••• •• , • •• • •••• • •••• , • , ABSTRACTS AND INDEXES • , , ••••• • •••• , • , • • , • , •• , •••• , , •• , , PERIODI CALS •. , , •• , •. , . , •.•.•• .• , •• . . ••. , •. , •. , •. , •••• , , • b. Which specific titles do you feel should be added? c. Which specific titles do you feel should be deleted? 4, Would you be interes ted in buying an updated edition of the reference list? 5. Additional comments 6. Undergraduate D Graduate· 0 Faculty 0 Thank you for answering this questionnaire. If you would like to discuss further anything pertaining to the reference lists, please feel free to call us, Fig. 11. Questionnaire on Use of Reference Subject Lists. Subject Reference Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 195 Table 2. Summary of Questionnaire Returns Question Undergr. Grad. Fac. 1. Yes 39 30 5 No 26 11 5 la. Yes 31 26 5 No 8 3 1 lb. Studies 16 9 1 Research 27 23 5 lc. Yes 19 12 2 No 25 20 4 2. Yes 27 21 6 No 11 11 1 3. More 45 32 5 Fewer 2 3a. Handb. exp. 16 18 7 .. del. 2 1 2 Series exp. 19 8 3 .. del. 1 Theses exp. 15 14 1 .. del. Abst. exp. 15 13 3 '' del. 1 Per. eA. 28 23 6 " de. 2 1 4. Yes 23 24 6 No 17 8 6. 65 41 14 serial titles greatly expanded as requested by users. A new sub-section heading has been created under the section "REFERENCE BOOKS" for reference materials of a very general nature; thus materials such as En- cyclopaedia Canadiana, Canada Yearbook, etc ... are pulled out from sub- sections such as "REFERENCE - ENCYCLOPAEDIA" and "REFER- ENCE - HANDBOOKS & TABLES" etc . .. to the sub-section "REFER- ENCE - GENERAL" at the very beginning of each subject list. It is estimated that the second edition will be available at the beginning of June. A comparison of the two editions is shown in Table 3. COST Although up to this time, the Computer Centre has made no internal charge for its services to the Library, it is estimated that with the Univer- sity's present computer configuration, the monthly cost of maintaining 196 Journal of Library Automation Vol. 1/3 September, 1968 Table 3. First and Second Editions Compared Edition Completion Date No. of Records on Master File Addition Up-dating . Change (no. of entnes) D 1 t' e e 1011 No. of Subject Lists Number of Pages of Each Subject List Aero Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Design Management Sciences Mathematics Astronomy Biology Chemistry Earth Sciences Physics Optometry I Nov./ 67 c.5,500 14 20 28 23 26 27 16 14 11 15 9 16 16 22 15 n · June/68 7,446 280 216 7 15 26 37 31 34 35 21 17 15 21 14 23 27 27 22 15 this project is approximately $40.00. This cost covers about 4 minutes/ month computer time, about 2 hours/month for keypunching and veri- fying and the cost of punch cards, multipart paper etc. . ., but does not cover the initial cost of system analysis and the charges for printing the booklets. By comparison, it would cost approximately $95.00 per month to produce the copy by hand and this method . would not provide the flexibility and other advantages of a computerized system. HEFERENCES 1. Chen, Ching-chih: "Computer-produced Subject Reference Lists," IPLO Newsletter, 9 (Feb. 1968), 38-40. · ·. 2. McCune, Lois C.; Salmon, Stephen R.: "Bibliography of Library Au- tomation," ALA Bulletin, 61 (June 1967), 674-94. · 3. Black, Donald V.; Farley, Earl A.: "Library Automation," In Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, edited by Carlos A. Cuadra (New York, Inter science: Wiley) . 1 ( 1966), · 273 - 303. 4. Schultz, Claire . K.: "Automation of Reference Work," .Libmry Trends, 12 (Jan. 1964 ), 413-424. · Subject Reference Lists/ CHEN and KINGHAM 197 5. Brownson, Helen L. : "New Developments in Scientific Documenta- tion," CLA Occasional Paper, no. 32, 1961. 6. Hammer, Donald P.: "Automated Operations in a University Library; a Summary," College & Research Libraries, 26 (Jan. 1965), 19-29, 44. 7. Prodrick, R. G.: "Automation Can Transform Reference Services," Ontario Library Review, 51 (Sept. 1967) , 145-50. 8. Cox, N. S. M.; Dews, J. D. ; Dolby, J. L.: The Computer and the Library; the Role of the Computer in the Organization and Handling of Information in Libraries (Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1967), 78-84. . . 9. Brown, J. E.; Walters, Peter: "Mechanized Listing of Serials at the National Research Council Library," Canadian Library, 19 (May 1963 ), 420-26. 10. Wilkinson, John P.: "A.A.U. Mechanized Union List of Serials," APLA Bulletin, 29 (May 1965), 54 - 59. 11. Nicholson, Natalie N.; Thurston, 'Villiam : "Serials and Journals in the M.I.T. Library," American Documentation, 9 ( 1958), 304-7. 12. International Business Machines Corporation : "IBM System 360 Op- erating System-report Programme Generator Specifications," IBM System Reference Library, File no. S360-20, Form C24-3337, (IBM Programming Publications Dept. 452, San Jose, C.alif. 95114, 1965 + revisions). -