480 N E W PUBLICATIONS. [June, M R . L. C. Cox, of State College, Pennsylvania, has been appointed instructor in mathematics at Purdue University. D R . J. R. C O N N E R , of the Johns Hopkins University, has been appointed associate in mathematics a t Bryn Mawr College. D R . J. I. T R A C E Y has been appointed instructor in mathe- matics in the academic department of Yale University. D R . R. M . W I N G E R has been appointed instructor in mathe- matics at the University of Illinois. M R . H . BATEMAN, of Bryn Mawr College, has accepted a teaching scholarship at the Johns Hopkins University. M R . W. V. LOVITT, of the University of Washington, has been appointed instructor in mathematics a t Harvard Uni- versity; Mr. A. L. M I L L E R has been advanced to an instructor- ship in mathematics. PROFESSOR A. E . H A Y N E S , of the University of Minnesota, has retired after thirty-eight years continuous service as a teacher. PROFESSOR S. W. SHATTUCK, of the University of Illinois, will retire a t the end of the present academic year. He has been connected with the department of mathematics since the founding of the University in 1868. PROFESSOR M . C. ARZELÀ, of the University of Bologna, died a t St. Stephen di Magra, March 16, 1912, at the age of 65 years. He was a member of the Academy dei Lincei and of t h e national Italian society of sciences. N E W P U B L I C A T I O N S . I. HIGHER MATHEMATICS. ADHÊMAR (R. d'). Leçons sur les principes de l'analyse. Tome 1; Séries. Déterminants. Intégrales. Potentiels. Equations intégrales. Equa- tions différentielles et fonctionelles. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912. 8vo. 6+324 pp. Fr. 10.00 BACHELIER (L.). Calculs des probabilités. Tome 1. Paris, Gauthier- Villars, 1912. 4to. 7+518 pp. Fr. 25.00 CALVET-AZAL. Essai sur la notion de quantité imaginaire. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912. 8vo. 48 pp. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 1912.] NEW PUBLICATIONS. 4 8 1 CERVALLO (E.). Le calcul des probabilités et ses applications. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912. 8vo. 9+171 pp. Fr. 6.50 LIEBMANN (H.). See MARKOFF (A. A.). MANGOLDT (H. v.). Einführung in die höhere Mathematik. 2ter Band: Difïerentialrechnung. Leipzig, Hirzel, 1912. 8vo. M. 15.40 MANNING (H. P.). Irrational numbers and their representation by- sequences and series. New York, Wiley. 12mo. 6 +123 pp. Cloth. $1.25 MARKOFF (A. A.). Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. Nach der 2ten Auflage des russischen Werkes übersetzt von H. Liebmann. Leipzig, Teubner, 1912. 8vo. 7+318 pp. Cloth. M. 13.00 MEISSNER (O.) Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung nebst Anwendungen. (Mathematische Bibliothek, herausgegeben von W. Lietzmann und A. Witting.) Leipzig, Teubner, 1912, 8vo. 4 + 6 4 pp. M. 0.80 M Ü H E (A.). Beweis des Fermatschen Prinzips. 2te, ergânzte Auflage. Berlin, Reimer, 1912. 8vo. 4 pp. M. 0.75 II. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS. BARLOW. Table of squares, cubes, square roots. New York, Spon, 1911. 12mo. 200 pp. $1.50 BERTRAND (G.). Trattato di algebra elementare. Prima traduzione italiana, con note ed aggiunte di E. Betti. Nuova edizione, per cura di A. Socci. 15a impressione. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1912. 16mo. 7+531 pp. L. 3.00 BETTI (E.). See BERTRAND (G.). BORCHARDT (W. G.). Junior algebra examples. London, Rivingtons, 1912. 8vo. 198 pp. 2s. HENSING (K.). Geometric 3tes Heft. Leipzig, Hoffmann, 1911. 8vo. pp. 115-254. M. 1.60 HUNTINGTON (E. V.). Four place table of logarithms and trigonometric functions. Unabridged edition. London, Spon, 1912. 3s. LESSER (O.). See SCHWAB (K.). LINNICH (M.). See SCHWAB (K.). MILNE (W. J.)* Key to first year algebra. New York, American Book Co., 1912. 12mo. 288 pp. $0.80 R O P P ( C ) . Calculator and short-cut arithmetic. 10th edition, revised and enlarged. Chicago, Ropp, 1912. 8vo. 192 pp. $1.25 SALOMON (A.). Leçons d'algèbre. 7e édition. Paris, Vuibert, 1912. 16mo. 267 pp. Fr. 2.00 SCHMEHL ( C ) . Lehrbuch der Stéréométrie für höhere Lehranstalten. Giessen, Roth, 1912. 8vo. 6+160 pp. M. 2.50 SCHWAB (K.) und LESSER (O.). Mathematisches Unterrichtswerk. Für höhere Mâdchenschulen bearbeitet von M. Linnich. Iter Teil. Wien, Tempsky, 1911. 8vo. 143 pp. Cloth. M. 2.00 . Geometrie. Bearbeitet von M. Linnich. 2ter Teil. Leipzig, Freytag, 1912. 8vo. 184 pp. Cloth. M. 2.50 SOCCI (A.). See BERTRAND (G.). License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 482 NEW PUBLICATIONS. [June, 1912.] TABLES de logarithmes à cinq décimales et pour les fonctions trigono* métriques. Par F. I. C. Edition double: Division sexagésimale et division centésimale. Paris, Gigord, 1912. 16mo. 8+255 pp. TESTI (G. M.). Elementi di matematica. Fascicolo I I , 5a edizione corretta. Livorno, Giusti, 1912. 16mo. 7 + 7 8 pp. L. 0.80 WALLENTIN (F.). Maturitâtsfragen aus der Mathematik. Auflösungen. 6te Auflage. Wien, Gerold, 1912. 8vo. 6+236 pp. Cloth. M. 4.50 I I I . APPLIED MATHEMATICS. ABRAHAM (M.). Theorie der Elektrizitât. Iter Band: Einführung in die Maxwellsche Theorie der Elektrizitât. Mit einem einleitenden Abschnitte von A. Föppl. 4te, umgearbeitete Auflage, herausgegeben von M. Abraham. Leipzig, Teubner, 1912. 8vo. 18+410 pp. Cloth. M. 11.00 ANNUAIRE pour Tan 1912, publié par le Bureau des Longitudes. Avec des notices scientifiques. Paris, Gauthier-Villars. Fr. 1.50 BAKKER (G.). Théorie de la couche capillaire des corps purs. Tome I I : La couche capillaire des corps purs et ses phases homogènes et adja- centes. (Collection Scientia.) Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912. 8vo. 80 pp. Boards. Fr. 2.00 BiGOURDAiN (G.). See D E L A M B R E (J, B . J . ) . BUCHHQLZ (H.). See KLINKERFUES (W.). CHAPMAN (S.). The kinetic theory of a gas constituted of spherically symmetrical molecules. London, Dulau, 1912. 4to. Sewed. 2s. 6d. CHINI (M.). Corso speciale di matematiche, ad uso dei chimici e dei naturalisti. 2a edizione, con aggiunte e modificazioni. Livorno, Giusti, 1912. 8vo. 12+297 pp. L. 4.00 CRANDALL (C. L.). Textbook on geodesy and least squares. New York, Wiley. 8vo. 1 0 + 329 pp. Cloth. $3.00 DALLWITZ (W. V.). Warmelehre in Theorie und Anwendung. Iter Band: Wârmetheorie und ihre Beziehungen zur Technik und Physik. Berlin, Volckmann, 1912. 8vo. 18+331 pp. Cloth. M. 11.25 DELAMBRE (J. B. J.). Grandeur et figure de la terre. Ouvrage augmenté de notes, de cartes, et publié par les soins de G. Bigourdain. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912. 8vo. 8+402 pp. Fr. 15.00 DELSOL (M. E.). Note sur le vol des oiseaux. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1911. 8vo. 22 pp. Fr. 1.00 DITTMANN (E.). Berechnung elektrischer Leitungsnetze. Strelitz, Hit- tenkofer, 1911. M. 5.00 ESPITALLIER et CHASSERIAUD (R.). Cours d'aviation. Livre I : Ap- pareils d'aviation et propulseurs. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1911. 4to. 295 pp. Fr. 13.00 FÖPPL (A.). See ABRAHAM (M,). FRISCHAUF (J.). See SOLDNER (J.). GRAMONT (A. de). Essais d'aérodynamique. 2e série. Paris, Hachette, 1912. 4to. 115 pp. Fr. 3.50 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 1 9 1 2 . ] NEW PUBLICATIONS. 4 8 3 GROSSMANN ( H . ) . Agenda 1912 pour l'horlogerie, la bijouterie et la petite mécanique. 9e année. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1911. 32mo. 372 p p . F r . 2.00 GTJILHAUMON (J. B.). Astronomie et navigation suivies de la compen- sation des compas. 5e édition. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1912. 8vo. 615 p p . F r . 10.00 H A U C K (G.). Vorlesungen über darstellende Geometrie. Herausgegeben von A. H a u c k . I t e r B a n d . Leipzig, Teubner, 1912. 8vo. 1 2 + 3 3 9 p p . Cloth. M . 12.00 H O S M E R ( G . L . ) . Azimuth. New York, Wiley, 1909. l ô m o . 5 + 73 p p . Morocco. $1.00 I N G A L L S (J. M . ) . Interior ballistics. 3d edition. New York, Wiley, 1912. 8vo. 221 p p . Cloth. $2.50 J E A N S (J. H . ) . T h e m a t h e m a t i c a l theory of electricity and magnetism. 2d edition. London, Cambridge University Press, 1911. 15s K I N G (W. I . ) . T h e elements of statistical method. New York, Macmillan, 1912. 12mo. 245 p p . Cloth. $1.50 K L I N K E R F U E S (W.). Theoretische Astronomie. Neubearbeitung v o n H . Buchholz. 3te, verbesserte u n d vermehrte Auflage. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1912. 8vo. 3 8 + 1 0 7 0 + 1 1 p p . Cloth. M . 50.00 K O E N E N (M.). Grundzüge für die statische Berechnung der Beton- u n d E i s e n b e t o n b a u t e n . 4te, neubearbeitete Auflage. Berlin, E r n s t , 1912. M . 2.00 K R I E M L E R ( C ) . Einführung in die energetische B a u s t a t i k . Berlin, Springer, 1911. M . 2.40 K Ü S T E R (F. W . ) . Logarithmische Rechentafeln für Chemiker, P h a r - mazeuten, Mediziner und Physiker. 12te, neuberechnete Auflage. Leipzig, Veit, 1912. 8vo. 107 p p . Cloth. M . 2.40 L O N E Y (S. L.). An elementary treatise on statics. London, Cambridge University Press, 1912. 8vo. 402 p p . 12s. L U C A S (A.). See M A S S E N E T (G.). M A S S E N E T (G.) et L U C A S (A.). Eléments de la théorie d u navire. Paris, Challamel, 1912. 8vo. 6 + 1 2 0 p p . M A Y E R (R.). Die Mechanik der Wârme. 2te Abhandlung. H e r a u s - gegeben von A. v o n Oettingen. (Ostwalds Klassiker N r . 180.) Leipzig, Engelmann, 1911. M . 1.60 M E I E R ( K . ) . Mechanics of heating and ventilation, with charts for cal- culation a n d examples. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1912. 8vo. 9 + 1 6 1 p p . $5.00 M E R B A C H (P. A.). Studiën über die Mechanik der magnetischen E r - scheinungen. H a m b u r g , Hephaestos-Verlag, 1912. 8vo. 18 p p . M . 0.60 M E R R I M A N (M.). E l e m e n t s of mechanics. F o r t y lessons for beginners in mechanics. New York, Wiley. 12mo. 172 p p . Cloth. $1.00 . Treatise on hydraulics. 9 t h edition, revised and reset. New York, Wiley, 1912. 8vo. 10 + 565 p p . Cloth. $4.00 and JACOBY (H. S.). A textbook on roofs and bridges. P a r t I I I : Bridge design. 5 t h edition, p a r t l y rewritten. New York, Wiley, 1912. 8vo. 8 + 414 p p . Cloth. $2.50 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 484 N E W PUBLICATIONS. [June, 1912.] M I L L E R (E. F.) a n d others. Problems in thermodynamics and heat engineering. New York, Wiley, 1911. 8vo. 3 + 6 7 p p . $0.75 M U L L E R (E.). Technische Uebungsaufgaben für darstellende Geometrie. 4tes Heft. Wien, Deuticke, 1911. M . 1.25 N E R N S T (W.). See P O L L I T Z E R (F.). O C A G N E (M. d ' ) . See S E C O D E LA GARZA (R.). O E T T I N G E N (A. v o n ) . See M A Y E R (R.). P A R K E R (G. W . ) . T h e elements of hydrostatics. London, Longmans, 1912. 8vo. 3s. P E R K I N S (H. A.). An introduction t o general thermodynamics. New York, Wiley, 1912. 12mo. 1 8 + 2 4 7 p p . Cloth. $1.50 P F A R R (A.). Die T u r b i n e n für Wasserkraftbetrieb. I h r e Theorie u n d K o n s t r u k t i o n . 2te, teilweise umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. 2 B a n d e . Berlin, Springer, 1912. Cloth. M . 40.00 P L E M E L J (J.). Potentialtheoretische Untersuchungen. (Gekrönte Preis- schrift.) Leipzig, Teubner, 1911. M . 6.00 P O L L I T Z E R (F.). Die Berechnung chemischer Affinitâten nach dem N e r n s t - schen Wârmetheorem. M i t einem Vorwort von W. Nernst. S t u t t - gart, E n k e , 1912. 8vo. 171 p p . M . 3.60 R I E C K E (E.). Lehrbuch der Physik. I t e r B a n d : Mechanik, Molekular- erscheinungen, Akustik u n d Optik. 5te, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, Veit, 1912. 8vo. 1 6 + 6 0 0 p p . Cloth. M . 13.00 R Y A N (W. T . ) . Design of electrical machinery. I n three volumes. Volume 1. New York, Wiley, 1912. 8vo. 9 + 109 p p . $1.50 S A T T E R L Y (J.). Junior h e a t . London, Clive, 1912. 8vo. 192 p p . 2s. S E C O D E LA G A R Z A (R.). Les nomogrammes de l'ingénieur. Avec une préface de M . d'Ocagne. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1912. 8vo. 12 + 196 p p . Fr. 12.00 S E L L A N D E R (H. W . ) . Lightning calculator for marine engineers. 2d edition, revised a n d enlarged. San Francisco, King's Bookstore, 1912. 16mo. 141 p p . Boards. $2.50 S O L D N E R (J.). Theorie der Landesvermessung. (1810.) Herausgegeben v o n J . Frischauf. (Ostwalds Klassiker N r . 184.) Leipzig, Engel- m a n n , 1911. M . 1.60 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use