1915.] NEW PUBLICATIONS. 529 D E . H . W. R E D D I C K , of Columbia University, has been ap- pointed professor and head of the department of mathematics in the Cooper Union, New York City. PROFESSOR R. D . CARMICHAEL, of Indiana University, has been appointed assistant professor of mathematics in the University of Illinois. B Y mutual arrangement between the departments con- cerned, Mr. C. H. Y E A T O N , recently appointed instructor in mathematics a t D a r t m o u t h College, has resigned to accept a similar appointment a t Northwestern University, and Mr. C. R. D I N E S , a t present instructor at Northwestern University, has accepted an instructorship in mathematics at D a r t m o u t h College for the coming academic year. A T Cornell University Drs. C. F . CRAIG and F . W. O W E N S have been promoted to assistant professorships of mathe- matics. A T the Massachusetts institute of technology Dr. B, B. L I B B Y and Mr. GEORGE RUTLEDGE have been appointed instructors in mathematics. D R . G. M . CONWELL, of Yale University, has been appointed instructor in mathematics in the New York state college for teachers. N E W P U B L I C A T I O N S . I. HIGHER MATHEMATICS. AMOROSO (F.). Complementi di analisi algebrica elementare, con appen- dice sulle sezioni coniche. 2a edizione, riveduta e migliorata. Napoli, Pirro, 1912. 16mo. 34+229 pp. BRENKEN (E.). Die Erzeugung der Kurven konstanten Gauss'schen Krüm-mungsmasses auf Flâchen zweiten Grades durch elliptische Zylinder. Papenburg, 1914. 17 pp. M. 1.50 COUTURAT (L.). L'algèbre de la logique. 2e édition. (Collection Scien- tia.) Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1914. 8vo. 100 pp. Fr. 2.00 DAVISON (C.)- Subjects for mathematical essays. London, Macmillan, 1914. 8vo. 3s. 6d. D ' E N N O (J. G. A.). Ein ganz elementares Verfahren zur Lösung des grossen Fermat'schen Satzes wie auch zur vollstândigen Erweiterung und Verallgemeinerung des berühmten Theorems mit Uebungen und Anwendungen auf die Geometrie für die höheren Klassen der Mittel- schulen. Trient, G. B. Monauni, 1912. Gr. 8vo. 23 pp. . Ein neues Verfahren zur Lösung des grossen Fermat'schen Satzes. Trient, G. B. Monauni, 1912. Gr. 8vo. 15 pp. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 530 NEW PUBLICATIONS. [July, D Ö L P (H.). Grundzüge und Aufgaben der Differential- und Integral- rechnung nebst den Resultaten, neu bearbeitet von E. Netto. 13te Auflage. Giessen, A. Töpelmann, 1912. 8vo. 3+216 pp. GRODSKIJ (G. D.). Integral calculus. Part 1: Integration of functions. 3d edition. (In Russian.) St. Petersburg, 1912. 8vo. 1+165 pp. HEINRICHS (G.). Uebungsbuch der Analysis der Infinitesimalen. Heraus- gegeben von A. Suworin. St. Petersburg, 1912. 8vo. 2 + 1 3 6 pp. MEHLER (F. G.). Hauptsâtze der Elementar-Mathematik zum Gebrauche an höheren Lehranstalten. Bearbeitet von A. Schuite-Tigges. Aus- gabe B, Oberstufe. 3ter Teil: Grundzüge und Anwendung der Differentialrechnung. 2te Auflage. Berlin, Reimer, 1912. 7 + 8 4 pp. MUSOTTER (R.). Eine Skizze der Geschichte der Infinitesimalrechnung. Progr. Wien, 1912. 8vo. 21 pp. NETTO (E.). See D Ö L P (H.). NIELSEN (N.). Elementar Talteori. Kopenhagen, Gyldendal, 1912. 8vo. 144 pp. ROSTSCHIN (P.). Textbook of the differential and integral calculus. Part 1: Differential calculus; Part 2: Integral calculus. (In Russian.) St. Petersburg, 1911-1912. 4 + 7 3 0 + 2 + 5 0 8 pp. SCHULTE-TIGGES (A.). See MEHLER (F. G.). SUWORIN (A.). See HEINRICHS (G.). VILLANI (N.). L'equazione di Fermât xn + yn = zn con dimostrazione generale. Lanciano, Masciangelo, 1912. 8vo. 21 pp. WELMIN (W. P.). On the theory of remainders of the eighth degree in the algebraic number fields. (In Russian.) Warsaw, 1912. 8vo. 21 + 229 pp. I I . ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS. AMMERMAN ( C ) . See FORD (W. B.). BERTRAND (G.). Trattato di algebra elementare. Prima traduzione italiana con note ed aggiunti di E. Betti, Nuova edizione per cura di A. Socci. 15a impressione. Firenze, Le Monnier, 1912. 16mo. 7 + 531 pp. BETTI (E.), See BERTRAND (G.). BRABANT (F. G.). See MARCON (C. A.). CAMMAN (P.) et FASSBINDER (L.). Algèbre et géométrie. Classe de 3e A. Paris, Gigord, 1912. 18mo. 87 pp. CHOPE (R. H.). Junior arithmetic (with answers). London, "university Tutorial Press, 1912. 8vo. 8+393 pp, DEKKER (P.). See NIEMÖLLER (F.). DoLGTJSCHiN (P. A.). Approximations. For gymnasia, Realschulen, trade and technical schools. Revised by the author. 2d edition. (In Russian.) Kieff, 1912. 8vo. 46 pp. FASSBINDER (L.). See CAMMAN (P.). FISHER (G. E.) and SCHWATT (I.). Quadratics and beyond. Reprint. New York, Macmillan, 1914. 12mo. 287 pp. $0.90 . Complete secondary algebra. 2d reprint. New York, Macmillan, 1912. 12mo. 504 pp. $1.35 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 1915.] NEW PUBLICATIONS. 531 FORD (W. B.) and AMMERMAN ( C ) . Plane and solid geometry, edited by E. R. Hedrick. Reprinted with corrections, New York, Macmillan, 1914. 12mo. 321pp. $1.25 FRENZEL ( C ) . See MEHLER (G.). FRIEDMANN (W. G.). Textbook of theoretical arithmetic. For upper classes of the boys' and girls' gymnasia and Realschulen and for private study. (In Russian.) Moscow, 1912. 8vo. 138 pp. HEDRICK (E. R.). See FORD (W. B.). JACOB (J.). Lehrbuch der Arithmetik fur Mâdchenlyzeen und verwandte Anstalten. Iter Teil: Lehrstofï der lten und 2ten Klasse. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1912. 8vo. 3+110 pp. . Manuale d'aritmetica per la prima classe délie scuole medie. Versione di R. Marussig. Triest, M. Quidde, 1912. 8vo. 3 + 6 4 pp. JACOB (J.) und SCHIFFNER (F.). Lehrbuch der Arithmetik und Geometrie für Realschulen. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1912. 8vo. 64 pp. JACOB (J.), SCHIFFNER (F.) und TRAVNICEK (J.). Arithmetik und Geom- etrie für Gymnasien und Realgymnasien. Analytische Geometrie der Ebene bearbeitet von J. Travnicek. Wien, F. Deuticke, 1912. 8vo. 4+115 pp. MARCON (C. A.) and BRABANT (F. G.). Responsions papers in stated subjects (exclusive of books), 1906-1911. With answers to mathe- matical questions and introduction to mathematics, grammar, . . • Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1912. 160 pp. MARINO (A.). Applicazioni algebraiche alia geometria piana e solida, Milano, 1914. 12mo. 32 pp. MARKOWITSCH (B. A.). Elementary logarithms. (Elements of the theory of logarithms and of the practice in logarithmic computation.) (In Russian.) St. Petersburg, 1912. 8vo. 8 + 7 2 pp. The same with 4-place logarithm tables and samples of other logarithm tables. 8vo. 16+104 pp. MARUSSIG (R.). See JACOB (J.). MEHLER (F. G.). Hauptsâtze der Elementar-Mathematik zum Gebrauche an höheren Lehranstalten, Beai*beitet von A. Schulte-Tigges, Ausgabe B, Oberstufe. 2ter Teil: Arithmetik mit Einschluss der niederen Analysis, Trigonometrie und Stéréométrie, Unter Mitwirk- ung von C. Frenzel bearbeitet. 2te unverànderte Auflage. Berlin, Reimer, 1912. 8vo, 8+169 pp. MULLER (O.). Ta vole di logaritmi con cinque decimali, 12a edizione, aumentata della tavole dei logaritmi d'addizione e sottrazione, per cura di Michèle Raj na, Milano, Hoepli, 1915. 24mo. 36+191 pp. L. 1.50 NIEMÖLLER (F.) und DEKKER (P.). Arithmetisches und algebraisches Unterrichtsbuch. In 4 Heften, ltes und 2tes Heft. Breslau, F. Hirt, 1912. 92+116 pp. OPENSHAW (P. A.). Public school examination papers in mathematics. With answers. London, Bell, 1912. 135 pp. PENDLEBURY (C.). A preparatory arithmetic. London, Bell, 1912, 14+185+30 pp. RAJNA (M.). See MULLER (O.). License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 532 NEW PUBLICATIONS. [July, R A S C H E V S K Y ( K . ) . E l e m e n t a r y algebra. Textbook for higher schools. (In Russian.) Moscow, 1912. 8vo. 3 0 1 + 3 p p . SALOMON (A.). Leçons d'algèbre. 7e édition. Paris, Vuibert, 1912. 16mo. 267 p p . S C H I F F N E R ( F . ) . See J A C O B (J.). S C H U L T E - T I G G E S (A.). See M E H L E R ( F . G.). S C H U L T Z E (A.). Advanced algebra. 11th reprint. New York, Macmil- lan, 1913. 12mo. 562 p p . Half leather. $1.25 S C H W A T T (I.). See F I S H E R (G. E . ) . S O C C I (A.). See B E R T R A N D (G.). T R A V N I C E K ( J . ) . See J A C O B ( J . ) . V A N D E R H E Y D E N (A. F . ) . N o t e s on algebra. Middleborough, W . Apple- y a r d , 1912. 8 + 133 p p . I I I . A P P L I E D M A T H E M A T I C S . ARMSTRONG (H. F . ) . Descriptive geometry for s t u d e n t s of engineering science a n d architecture. New York, Wiley, 1915. 8vo. 6 + 125 p p . $2.00 B E R L I N E R (S.). R e n t e n u n d Anleihen. Leipzig, C. E . Poeschel, 1912. 8vo. 1 0 + 1 4 2 p p . B R A G G (W. H . a n d W . L . ) . X r a y s a n d crystal s t r u c t u r e . London, Bell, 1915. 8vo. 7s. 6d. B R A G G (W. L . ) . See B R A G G (W. H . ) . C A L E N D A R I O astronomico délie colonie italiane d'Affrica per l'anno 1915. ( I s t i t u t o geografico militare.) Firenze, t i p . B a r b è r a , di Alfani e Venturi, 1914. 8vo. 73 p p . C A L E N D A R I O del r. osservatorio astronomico di Napoli per l'anno 1915. Napoli, 1915. 16mo. 75 p p . DRTJRY ( F . E . ) . Geometry of building construction. Second year course. London, Routledge, 1915. 8vo. 3s. E D W A R D S (E. J.) a n d T I C K L E ( M . J . ) . Practical science a n d m a t h e m a t i c s for t h e second year preliminary technical or industrial course. L o n - don, Routledge, 1915. 8vo. 8 + 175 p p . I s . 6d. E L D E R T O N (W. P.) a n d F I P P A R D (R. C ) . T h e construction of m o r t a l i t y a n d sickness tables. London, Macmillan, 1914. 12mo. 120 p p . $0.80 F E R R A R I O (L.). S t u d î di meccanica molecolare. Milano, Hoepli, 1915. 8vo. 165 p p . L. 4.50 F I P P A R D (R. C ) . See E L D E R T O N (W. P . ) . F O S C H I (R. C ) . U n a facile deduzione del teorema dei t r e m o m e n t i . C i t t à di Castello, S. Lapi, 1914. 8vo. 8 p p . L O M B A R D I (L.). Corso teorico-pratico di elettrotecnica. 2a edizione. V o l . 1 1 . Milano, 1914. 8vo. 1 2 + 7 1 8 p p . + 5 t a b l e s . L. 20.00 M A G G I (G. A.). Geometria del movimento. Lezioni di cinematica con u n ' appendice sulla geometria délia massa. 1915. 8vo. L. 8.00 T I C K L E ( M . J . ) . See E D W A R D S ( E . J . ) . License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use