id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-852 Charles III of Spain - Wikipedia .html text/html 13504 1041 72 Although he did not achieve complete control over Spain's finances, and was sometimes obliged to borrow to meet expenses, most of his reforms proved successful in providing increased revenue to the crown and expanding state power, leaving a lasting legacy.[3] In the Spanish Empire his regime enacted a series of sweeping reforms with the aim of bringing the overseas territories under firmer control by the central government, reversing the trend toward local autonomy, and gaining more control over the Church. "The Family of Philip V of Spain 1743"; (L-R) Mariana Victoria, Princess of Brazil; Barbara, Princess of Asturias; Ferdinand, Prince of Asturias; King Philip V; Luis, Count of Chinchón; Elisabeth Farnese; Infante Philip; Princess Louise Élisabeth of France; Infanta Maria Teresa Rafaela; Infanta Maria Antonia; Maria Amalia, Queen of Naples and Sicily; Charles, King of Naples and Sicily. Prince Carlos Antonio Pascual Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno Jose Januario Serafin Diego of Naples and Sicily Palace of Portici, 11 November 1748 Palazzo Barberini, Rome, 19 January 1819 future King Charles IV of Spain; married Princess Maria Luisa of Parma and had issue. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-852.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-852.txt