id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-4475 Business ethics - Wikipedia .html text/html 15277 1888 55 A multi-country 2011 survey found support for this view among the "informed public" ranging from 30 to 80%.[28] Ronald Duska and Jacques Cory have described Friedman's argument as consequentialist or utilitarian rather than pragmatic: Friedman's argument implies that unrestrained corporate freedom would benefit the most people in the long term.[29] Duska argued that Friedman failed to differentiate two very different aspects of business: (1) the motive of individuals, who are generally motivated by profit to participate in business, and (2) the socially sanctioned purpose of business, or the reason why people allow businesses to exist, which is to provide goods and services to people.[30] So Friedman was wrong that making a profit is the only concern of business, Duska argued.[30] Among the many people management strategies that companies employ are a "soft" approach that regards employees as a source of creative energy and participants in workplace decision making, a "hard" version explicitly focused on control[92] and Theory Z that emphasizes philosophy, culture and consensus.[93] None ensure ethical behavior.[94] Some studies claim that sustainable success requires a humanely treated and satisfied workforce.[95][96][97] ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-4475.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-4475.txt