POETS ON POETRY, A WRITER ON WRITING Writer’s Capital by Louis Auchincloss “Does admirably what he sets out to do: to explain what it is in life that has made him the sort of writer he is.” —American Literature “A ripe intelligence informs.. .this charmingly wrought memoir.” —Library Journal $4.95, paperback* photos “A collection of essays by poets, most impressive for its range and richness and its editor’s judiciousness.” -THEODORE WEISS The Poet’s Work 29 Masters of 20th Century Poetry on the Origins and Practice of Their Art edited by Reginald Gibbons Contributors include: Federico Garcia Lorca • Wallace Stevens • Boris Pasternak • Delmore Schwartz • George Seferis • Karl Shapiro • Rene Char • Louise Bogan • W. H. 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Zu beziehen durch eine intemationale Buchhandlung VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig DDR-701 Leipzig, PostschlieBfach 130 Martin Heidegger and the Question of T .iteratiire Mai tin Heidegger and the Question I of Literature Toward a Postmodern Literary Hermeneutics EDITED BY WILLIAM V. SPANOS Relates the applicability of Heidegger's hermeneutic thought and practice to questions concerning the nature and function of language, the interpretation of literary texts, and the “crisis of criticism” central to the postmodern situation. (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy) 352 pages $15.00 J ' ~ _ . , DICKENS AND THE VICTORIAN Available at bookstores or send $1.50 postage and handling for first book, 25G for each additional book, to order from publisher. INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS Tenth and Morton Streets, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 ‘In theWind’s Eye’ BYRON’S LETTERS AND JOURNALS Volume IX, 18214822 Edited by Leslie A. Marchand In this, the ninth volume of the series the St. Louis Post Dispatch. refers to as “One of the great modem works in progress,” Byron is deeply saddened by the deaths of his daughter, Allegra, and his friend, Shelley. Even so, the letters are, as Newsweek wrote, “sinewy, funny, electrifying emergency bulle- tins from a man operating... on the extreme edge of despair and disgrace.” $13.50 Vol. I, ‘In My Hot Youth,’ (1798-1810) $11 Vol. II, ‘Famous in My Time,’ (1810-1812) Vol. Ill, ‘Alas! The Love of Women!’ (1813-1814) $11.50 Vol. IV, ‘Wedlock’s the Devil,’ (18144815) $13.50 Vol. V, ‘So Late into the Night,’ (1816-1817) $13.50 Vol. VI, ‘The Flesh is Frail,’ (1818-1819) $13.50 Vol. VII, ‘Between Two Worlds,’ (1820-1821) $13.50 Vol. VIII, ‘Bom for Opposition,’ (1821) $13.50 The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 The Creation of Nikolai Gogol Donald Fanger "The best thing in English on Gogol." —Edward J. 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The Folger Library Edition of the Works of Richard Hooker, Volume Three Belknap $50.00 illustrated Tennyson and Tradition Robert Pattison "A genuinely new and exciting reading of Tennyson's poetry."—E.D.H. fohnson “We finish this brilliant book with an enhanced sense of how deeply Tennyson drew upon—yet how radically he trans- formed—the poetic past." —fohn Rosenberg $14.00 Drawing by A. Rybnikov Courtesy of Houghton Library, Harvard University Utopian Thought in the Western World Frank E. Manuel and Fritzie P. Manuel "A masterwork of impeccable scholar- ship—brilliant, profound, extraordinarily wide-ranging, and altogether engrossing. Bound to be the definitive book on its complex subject for a long, long time." —Robert K. Merton Belknap $25.00 Distributed by the Press Art Inscribed Essays on Ekphrasis in Spanish Golden Age Poetry Emilie L. Bergmann Bergmann discusses the poetic tradition of ekphrasis—the description of visual works of art—from Garcilaso de la Vega to Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz. She demon- strates that ekphrasis exposes the bound- aries between the arts and the limitations of artistic imitation, while using that limitation as a source of poetic wit. Harvard Studies in Romance Languages, 35 $12.00 Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 The Poet and His Critics The first 5 titles in the distinguished ALA series that examines the work of major American and British writers through an analysis of its criticism Charles Sanders, General Editor Distinctly original in its underlying concept, this series not only summarizes and interrelates the more provocative criticism of each poet’s work by its main themes but, more importantly, har- nesses the critical writings into an evaluative framework. The components of these writings are organized so as to suggest the limitations in the existing corpus and offer fresh prespectives for continuing investigation. Each volume is written in the form of a running text, which incorporates elements of bibliography, literary criticism, and study guide. Additional essays and books on each poet are listed for further study. The series will be of great value to both students who must become familiar with the basic insights into a poet’s work and to the advanced student and instructor who seek directions for expanding their research. Poets to be examined in the five future works in this series tentatively include W. B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, E. E. Cummings, and T. S. Eliot. Robert Frost THE POET AND HIS CRITICS by Donald J. Greiner “... one of the best services of scholarship rendered Robert Frost since Lawrance Thompson’s biography.”-—The New England Quarterly 366 pages Cloth ISBN 0-8389-0191-3 (1974) $14.95 William Carlos Williams THE POET AND HIS CRITICS by Paul L. Mariani “ ... fills a gap in Williams scholarship.” —Choice 288 pages Cloth ISBN 0-8389-0199-9 (1975) $14.95 Dylan Thomas THE POET AND HIS CRITICS by R. B. Kershner, Jr. “... a fascinating overview of Thomas scholarship, augmented by much invalu- able bibliographic material.”-—Library Journal 294 pages Cloth ISBN 0-8389-0226-X (1976) $14.95 Langston Hughes THE POET AND HIS CRITICS by Richard Barksdale “.. . the best critical estimate of Hughes’ poetry published so far.”—Resources for American Literary Study 178 pages Cloth ISBN 0-8389-0237-5 (1977) $14.95 Wallace Stevens THE POET AND HIS CRITICS by Abbie F. Willard “Essential for collections of and about major 20th-century American poetry.” —Choice 270 pages Cloth ISBN 0-8389-0267-7 (1978) $14.95 Order Department American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 The Second Volume of the Chaucer Library Kalendarium of Nicholas of Lynn SIGMUND EISNER, editor Nicholas of Lynn was a Carmelite friar who lived at Oxford in the fourteenth century and composed a Latin almanac that Chaucer indicated he used in the Treatise on the Astrolabe and demonstrably used in at least three places in the Canterbury Tales. Following the general practice of the Chaucer Library, this edition presents the work in both the original Latin and an English translation. Mr. Eisner's introduction includes a brief biography of Nicholas, an examination of the general nature of a medieval calen- dar, an analysis of all the manuscripts of the Kalendarium, a statement of editorial principles, and a close study of Chaucer's use of the work. $30 Information about other volumes in the Chaucer Library and standing orders with discounts may be obtained by writing the Marketing Depart- ment. The Expansion and Transformations of Courtly Literature NATHANIEL B. SMITH and JOSEPH T. SNOW, editors This collection brings together twelve selected papers given at the Second Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society. Because the courtly ethos is the central phenomenon marking medieval vernacular literature, it provides a theme that serves as an ideological guide through the later Middle Ages and on into the Renaissance and as a framework for the essays gathered in this volume. $15 ffl The University of Georgia Press Athens 30602 OXFORD ON NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH Writings of a Working Critic Roger Sale. Praise for the writer or critic who accepts the possibility of 'not being good enough' is the thrust behind this collection of Roger Sale's finest reviews and essays on current literature, which includes pieces on Mailer, Malamud, Drabble, Vonnegut, Stone, Hammett, Roth, Wellek, Trilling, Kenner, Howe, Kazin, and Mudrick. The book also fea- tures three meditative essays on fiction and the reviewing of fiction. 218 pp., $12.95 STORYTELLING AND MYTHMAKING Images from Film and Literature Frank McConnell. "A very lucidly writ- ten book, dealing intelligently with a great variety of modern and near- modern material, ranging from Henry James's Golden Bond to the Kojak televi- sion programmes.” — Northrop Frye. "One of the rare and authentic aids in bringing together the serious discussion of narrative and image patterns in lit- erature and film. . . . replete with sur- prise in its best senses, freshness, and humane suggestiveness.'' — Harold Bloom 320 pp., illus., $13.95 200 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. Oxford University Press THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ISAAC ROSENBERG Poetry, Prose, Letters, Paintings and Drawings Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Ian Parsons; Foreword by Siegfried Sassoon. "This beautiful book, which contains reproductions of his paintings and drawings, must be regarded as tex- tuallv definitive — with all the poems, fragments of poems, letters, prose pieces, variant readings." — The Guardian (London). "How far ahead of his con- temporaries Rosenberg was is made plain in Mr. Parson's new, sumptuous, and much needed edition." — The Sundai/ Telegram (London) 320 pp., 52 plates (23 in color), $25.00 SWINBURNE The Poet in His World Donald Thomas. Eccentric and flam- boyantly original, Swinburne shocked the reading public with his vigorous, colorful, and frankly sexual verse. This interpretive biography offers a new criti- cal discussion of his major poems and an assessment of their influence on the development of English literature. 256 pp., illus., $12.95 . Prices subject to change. Henry James: The Later Novels NICOLA BRADBURY, Research Fellow, St. Anne's College, Oxford. The author examines the variety and complexity of James' later novels and gives access to "the quality of mind of the producer." f Ier study ranges from The Portmit of n Lnth/ to the unfinished works, showing how the poise of the unspeakable and tine unsavable in his dramatic novels develops towards the mysteries and paradoxes ot The Golden howl. 1979 240 pp. $34.50 Modernizing Shakespeare's Spelling STANLEY WELLS and GARY TAYLOR, Editor and Assistant Editor of the new Oxford Shake- speare. Edited texts of Shakespeare and his contemporaries have been presented in modernized spelling for centuries, and the degree of modernization that is justifiable has become a bone of scholarly contention during the past thirty or forty years. On his appointment as General Editor of the forthcoming Oxford edition of Shakespeare, which is to be in modern spelling, Dr. Wells regarded this as an important preliminary task. His findings are printed in advance of the edition itself in the hope of stimulating discussion on a topic of interest not only to Shakespeare scholars but more generally to editors, students, and readers of the English Renaissance texts. 1979 236 pp. ' $24.00 The Urewera Notebook KATHERINE MANSFIELD; edited by IAN A. GORDON, Emeritus Professor, Victoria University', Wellington. In 1907, the young Katherine Mansfield, just back from school in London, went camping in the remote Urewera district of New Zealand. She recorded her impressions in a notebook which she took with her to England in 1908 and used as the source of some of her best-known New Zealand stories. The notebook is a key document in her literary development as it provides unusual evidence of a young writer at work. Professor Gordon provides background details from documents of the time and from information given by Mansfield's companions and contemporaries. 1979 108 pp. $22.00 The Freeholder JOSEPH ADDISON; edited by JAMES LEHENY, Associate Professor of English, University of Massachusetts. This edition of fifty-five essays, published as a periodical during the Jacobite uprising of 1715-1716, reveals Joseph Addison's acute political sense, his awareness of popular opinion, and his ability to exploit situations for the benefit of the Whigs and the Hanoverian court. The edition includes a definitive text, an introduction to the political context in which Addison was writing and explanatory notes. 1979 ' 308 pp. $46.00 Humour in the Works of Proust MAYA SLATER, Lecturer, French Department, Westfield College, University of London. This book is the first full-length study in English of Proust's humor which permeated all his work, affecting his character portrayals, style, imagery and themes, and modifying his attitude to the fundamental issues of war, religion and death. The Proust that emerges from this study is a sharp, sometimes merciless observer of human nature, acutely aware of the tiniest humorous detail and courageous enough to expand an amusing idea to extravagant proportions. 1979 232 pp. $24.50 Prices and publication dates are subject to change. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Criticism: We thrive on it. Adultery in the Novel Contract and Transgression Tony Tanner A brilliant exercise in literary interpretation that begins with the general topic of adultery in literature and tnen views specifically the act and con- sequences of adultery in Rousseau's La Nouvelle Heloise. Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften, and Flaubert’s Madame Bovary. "Tanner's book is certainly one of the two or three really important and major books of the novel....The anthropological, psychological, and socio- logical meaning of adultery and marriage are examined with subtlety and perspicacity, and the readings of the three major novels he chooses go beyond anything we now have on these three masterpieces.'' — Edward W. Said, Columbia University $18.50 The Only Kangaroo among the Beauty Emily Dickinson and America Karl Keller This spirited study puts to rest the image of Emily Dickinson as the reclu- sive belle of Amherst by depicting her in her affinities with America and American writers past and present, and with various social and intellec- tual movements. Karl Keller explores Dickinson's relationship to Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Walt Whitman, and others, and to generations of writers that followed, from Stephen Crane to Robert Frost. $18.50 Home as Found Authority and Genealogy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature Eric J. Sundquist Home as Found considers the works of four nineteenth-century American writers — James Fenimore Cooper, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Herman Melville — to demonstrate the way in which personal crisis becomes the material of larger and more engaging questions of social and historical crisis. “The most suggestive and sustained meditation on the significance of the act of writing in American literature that I know. The linking of Amer- ican Romance with the family romance is a brilliant stroke that makes possible an altogether new and exciting perspective.” — Edgar A Dryden. University ojArizona $15.00 Johns Hopkins The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Criticism: Wethriveonit. The Republic of Letters A History of Postwar American Literary Opinion Grant Webster “A hard-hitting, judgmental history." — Hayden White, University of California Focusing on two major postwar critical schools, the New Critics and the New York Intellectuals, Grant Webster provides a candid assessment of recent critical trends that helps to explain the rise and fall of both critical fashions and the careers of critics themselves. Included are valuable biographical and bibliographical profiles of the major figures of each critical school — among them T. S. Eliot, Lionel Trilling, Edmund Wilson, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, Austin Warren, and Rene Wellek. $22.50 Poetic Presence and Illusion Essays in Critical History and Theory Murray Krieger Understanding the nature of poetry as an illusionaiy presence and an ever-present illusion is the subject of this new book by Murray Krieger. In it, he examines both the workings of selected poems (from the Renais- sance to the present) with regard to this dual nature and evaluates the work of literary critics (himself included) who have been concerned with this doubleness. $18.95 Interpreting Interpreting Interpreting Dickens’s Dombey Susan R. Horton Looking at both nineteenth- and twentieth-century interpretations of Charles Dickens's Dombey and Son, and then watching over her own shoulder as she in turn interprets the novel, first one way and then another, Susan R. Horton shows how an infinity of plausible, coherent, and very different readings of Dombey and Son have come to be. In addition to providing a new reading of one novel by Dickens, Horton presents a way of approaching almost any text from a variety of perspec- tives. $12.00 Johns Hopkins The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Princeton is Well-Versed ANGELOS SIKELIANOS Selected Poems Translated and Introduced by EDMUND KEELEY and PHILIP SHERRARD Although he is generally recognized as the most important Greek poet between Cavafy and Seferis, this is the first broad selection of Sikelianos's poems in English. Included here are works from the full range of the poet's career and in his several voices — those of the lyricist, the narrator, the seer. An introduction outlines the principal stages of the poet's development as thinker and craftsman in relation to the particular translations included. The Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation. Cloth, $12.50. Paper, $5.95 DANTE'S RIME Translated by PATRICK SIDNEY DIEHL Spanning the years from the early 1280s until about 1308, this collection of poems contains Dante's juvenilia as well as his more mature work prior to the Divine Comedy. Patrick Diehl's translation is the first in fifty years to offer in a single volume the bulk of Dante's shorter poetry. The collection, omitting only those poems Dante incorporated into the Vita nuova, contains several masterpieces of medieval poetry and gives us a fascinating look at the poet's development. The Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation. Cloth, $18.00. Paper, $5.95 AN EXPLANATION OF AMERICA ROBERT PINSKY "An Explanation of America ... looks likely to stand as an unequalled example of 20th century American Horatianism for a long time.” — Poetry Wales “It is refreshing to find a poet who is intellectually interesting and technically first-rate. 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