id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_z5bevyfolvgqrkcyu3oxp6ca4m Scott D. Wright Gray and Green Revisited: A Multidisciplinary Perspective of Gardens, Gardening, and the Aging Process 2014 13 .pdf application/pdf 13007 871 64 gardening is one of the most popular home-based leisure activities in the US and represents an important activity in the lives of humanities) examination of the nexus between gardening and the aging experience, and in particular with research connections Second, we will focus on stewardship and how gardening increases health, community In this paper, we review contemporary articles demonstrating the multidisciplinarity of gardening and the aging Humanities Discipline: How Gardens and Gardening Cultivate Caring and a Personal Connection with Life and Nature. for older adults, having a garden to take care of could be stress was found among adults (mean age 57.6) in an experimental study comparing gardening to indoor reading [108]. garden?" Activities, Adaptation and Aging, vol. among older rural adults," Journal of Aging Studies, vol. "Indoor gardening older adults: effects on socialization, activities of daily living, and loneliness," Journal of Gerontological life," Activities, Adaptation & Aging, vol. ./cache/work_z5bevyfolvgqrkcyu3oxp6ca4m.pdf ./txt/work_z5bevyfolvgqrkcyu3oxp6ca4m.txt