id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_yoxxqtpbzrgu3hlru3s7oe2acy Rachel Ettun Transforming Pain into Beauty: On Art, Healing, and Care for the Spirit 2014 7 .pdf application/pdf 6192 428 66 Transforming Pain into Beauty: On Art, Healing, and Care for the Spirit From drawing to sculpture, poetry to journaling, and dance to music and song, the arts can have a major impact on patients' spiritual Through creative expression, patients regain a feeling of wholeness, individually and as part of the larger world. paper provides a model for arts-based spiritual care (chaplaincy) in oncology/hematology and elsewhere. the art form intervention to the individual patient and give examples of many kinds of uniquely spiritual arts-based interventions. model of arts-based spiritual care bridges the experience of the caesura to a renewed sense of meaning, or spiritual reorientation, When that experience of merging ends, patient and spiritual caregiver often of the healing nature of the arts in spiritual care and the The integration of arts into spiritual care offers a means R. Lane, "Creativity and spirituality in nursing: implementing art in healing," Holistic Nursing Practice, vol. ./cache/work_yoxxqtpbzrgu3hlru3s7oe2acy.pdf ./txt/work_yoxxqtpbzrgu3hlru3s7oe2acy.txt