id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_y42a4nbndnbzljk5umufzjodta Evrim Emir-Sayers Gauging Proximities: An Inquiry into a Possible Nexus between Middle Eastern and Western Painting 2014 11 .pdf application/pdf 4076 287 71 My Name Is Red. Pamuk's work clearly suggests parallels between the Middle Eastern miniature tradition and 20th-century Western philosophy of We read in My Name is Red that a miniaturist needs to paint the same figure over and over again to achieve a depiction that is "perfect"‚ or in accordance with God's perception. According to the miniature tradition described in My Name is Red, going blind after having devoted a lifetime to painting is reason to be proud. It is believed that God's vision or perception of the world can be manifested only through the memory of a blind miniaturist. As Pamuk puts it, "a blind miniaturist could see the horse of God's vision from within the darkness; however, true talent resided in a sighted miniaturist who could regard the According to Merleau-Ponty, through painting, Cézanne articulates what What Merleau-Ponty sees in Cézanne's paintings is an ul- ./cache/work_y42a4nbndnbzljk5umufzjodta.pdf ./txt/work_y42a4nbndnbzljk5umufzjodta.txt