id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_xfy6bpxbrbdxxc34453jiwulp4 C. Feller From soil in art towards Soil Art 2015 48 .pdf application/pdf 15622 2707 72 For the non-scientific, public at large, including artists, soil is mainly the surface posure of soil that includes a strange large root: ( Racek in Austria (Szlezak, 2009), or the soil painting program at the Museu de Ciências da Terra Alexis Dorofeef (Earth Science Museum) in Brazil (Muggler, 2013). Day (1932) is well-known to soil scientists all around the world (see: http://www. "emergence of soil art," in that it gives artists new tools for exploring our relationships Another example of immersive installation soil art explores the more porous, creating dialog on both film as an art form, and on soil as a component. Paintings of soil profiles used by A. Paintings of soil profiles used by A. Paintings of soil profiles used by A. From beginning of 20th century -teaching the soil: from science to art From beginning of 20th century -teaching the soil: from science to art ./cache/work_xfy6bpxbrbdxxc34453jiwulp4.pdf ./txt/work_xfy6bpxbrbdxxc34453jiwulp4.txt