id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_vimqis7apzdmpoyzxscztfz3da Mark Ptashne The Chemistry of Regulation of Genes and Other Things 2014 19 .pdf application/pdf 16754 1331 67 Monod, and colleagues, working with bacteria, had proposed the existence of regulatory molecules called "repressors" that would turn off expression of specific genes In other words, on WT DNA, the repressor binds cooperatively to sites 1 and 2 (Fig. 2). The polymerase has a weak affinity for the promoter, and the activator (shown here binding to a single site) recruits it works just as does the repressor in its guise as an activator, but it does so at a site that prompts transcription the repressor must be bound to OR2 to activate transcription from the adjacent promoter PRM and that the repressor ordinarily binds to OR1 (a strong site) cooperatively The repressor activates transcription of its own gene in a Recall our findings that the activating and DNA-binding functions of the � repressor are genetically separable: activator in yeast of genes bearing Gal4-binding sites ./cache/work_vimqis7apzdmpoyzxscztfz3da.pdf ./txt/work_vimqis7apzdmpoyzxscztfz3da.txt