id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_up4ci7mpprcj3jrphmcdymnbvm Diogo Ponte Carl Gustav Jung, Quantum Physics and the Spiritual Mind: A Mystical Vision of the Twenty-First Century 2013 18 .pdf application/pdf 10295 694 68 Carl Gustav Jung, Quantum Physics and the Spiritual Mind: non-empirical realm of the universe that doesn't consist of material things but of forms. that the empirical world is an emanation out of a cosmic realm of potentiality, whose forms Keywords: archetypes; cosmic consciousness; mysticism; non-empirical reality; potentiality; Jung's psychology: The discovery of a realm of non-material forms, which exist in the physical reality existing, real forms, which can appear in our mind out of a cosmic realm, in which they are stored. think that the entire visible world is an emanation out of a non-empirical cosmic background, which is ETs in the realm of potentiality wouldn't form a coherent whole, the empirical world that is emanating surface of things there is a realm of invisible forms, which have the potential to appear in the empirical Thus, Quantum physics is a form of mysticism; and so is Jung's psychology. ./cache/work_up4ci7mpprcj3jrphmcdymnbvm.pdf ./txt/work_up4ci7mpprcj3jrphmcdymnbvm.txt