id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_ubsb6fmgcraf3ojnql45vi2lbu Marcus L. Young Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures 2009 14 .pdf application/pdf 10800 1735 80 elemental composition of 62 modern bronze sculptures cast in examined primarily using ICP-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) to determine the precise elemental composition of the alloys. Table 1 Description of 62 modern bronzes studied here, including artist, accession number (AIC and PMA indicate the sculpture is from the Table 3 Normalized elemental composition (wt.%) for 62 modern bronzes from AIC and PMA, which have been separated according to figure and base were cast from the same bronze composition and later joined together (see Fig. 1a, b). Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures Matisse to Picasso: a compositional study of modern bronze sculptures ./cache/work_ubsb6fmgcraf3ojnql45vi2lbu.pdf ./txt/work_ubsb6fmgcraf3ojnql45vi2lbu.txt