id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_nlh4f6mtb5dd5as7e2aloruwnq (:Unkn) Unknown Gender Construction and Manifestation in the Art of Elaine de Kooning 2020 204 .pdf application/pdf 61141 4668 66 Elaine began painting bulls and bison when she relocated from New York City to In her 1950 piece for Art News, "Albers Paints a Picture," Elaine writes: Like Elaine's work, his figure is painted with some regal yellows and golds but has collective nature of the male figures (sports paintings) are common in Elaine's of course, not completely abstract as Pollock's or Krasner's works, Elaine's painting abstract, gestural style and a masculine subject matter, Elaine's sports paintings can Elaine's series of sports related works, like her portrait painting, color.55 The heroism in Elaine's work is in the painting technique itself – the In 1950 Elaine wrote her article, "Albers Paints a Picture" for Art News after 62 Lawrence Campbell, "Elaine de Kooning paints a picture," Art News 62 Lawrence Campbell, "Elaine de Kooning paints a picture," Art News "Elaine de Kooning paints a picture," Art News (December "Elaine de Kooning: The Bacchus Paintings." Arts Magazine ./cache/work_nlh4f6mtb5dd5as7e2aloruwnq.pdf ./txt/work_nlh4f6mtb5dd5as7e2aloruwnq.txt