id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_mllav53zafeppdfdqksfpeuqmm Luis Cavazos Quero Accessible Visual Artworks for Blind and Visually Impaired People: Comparing a Multimodal Approach with Tactile Graphics 2021 19 .pdf application/pdf 10944 1075 58 Accessible Visual Artworks for Blind and Visually Impaired People: Comparing a Multimodal Approach with Tactile Graphics Abstract: Despite the use of tactile graphics and audio guides, blind and visually impaired people still prototype that uses audio and tactile modalities to improve the autonomous access to information participants evaluated and compared multimodal and tactile graphic accessible exhibits. of an interactive multimodal guide for blind and visually impaired people that uses localized on-demand audio descriptions and tactile relief models to improve the independent Motivated by these challenges, our objective was to develop an interactive multimodal guide and study its feasibility to improve accessible art representation In the last decades, researchers have explored the improvement of tactile graphics accessibility by adding interactivity through diverse technologies. Some of the participants in the formative study mentioned the shortage in the availability of tactile graphics or other accessibility tools in their visits to art museums and ./cache/work_mllav53zafeppdfdqksfpeuqmm.pdf ./txt/work_mllav53zafeppdfdqksfpeuqmm.txt