id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_lzapa7ym3rac3gium7fbirfhcm Julie-Anne Milinski The Botanical within the Built: Visual Art and Urban Botany 2018 211 .pdf application/pdf 53653 4241 59 humanity's relationship to nature, specifically botany, through a visual arts practice. By observing the urban environment as a habitat to living, non-human entities, and how can creative works explore issues of the wider natural environment? 'natural environment' of contemporary urban life, the exegesis argues for an natural and human causes", such as gardens, topiary, and some environmental art, naturalness to plants and botanical urban settings, my project uses botany as a 91 Michael Pollan, The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World (New York: Random House, way that contemporary artists engage with the natural environment and the materials Pfaff's fascination with flora as a subject was evident in the mixed-media twodimensional works containing botanical references, and the presence of plant matter photographic source material of plants in the Brisbane Botanical Gardens. The way that plants reside in the urban environment can materials to work with the ideas generated from my new environment. ./cache/work_lzapa7ym3rac3gium7fbirfhcm.pdf ./txt/work_lzapa7ym3rac3gium7fbirfhcm.txt