id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_i5yios5iijd2rgg76z2hy5b3d4 Roberto Costa Authentic Primitive Art and Indigenous Global Desires between Reality and Hyperreality 2020 21 .pdf application/pdf 7878 530 61 category of authentic primitive art, the Asmat of West Papua. of Michael Rockefeller's Asmat collection in the Museum of Primitive Art of the Asmat Museum in the visionary theme park of Taman Mini "Indonesia Nation," in Asmat Art: Woodcarvings of Southwest New Guinea, ed. they wanted their work to sell." Stanley, The Making of Asmat Art, 110. government-owned art shop that once traded contemporary Asmat artefacts primitiveness in Asmat art, woodcarvers have usually referred to it in terms A further hallmark in reference to Asmat authentic art is the material not allowed!"40 Wood is, indeed, part of the process of making Asmat art Asmat art in the hyperreality of Taman Mini that authentic Asmat art can hardly be bought in Jakarta, while such of different styles, might seem to go against authentic primitive art, this is stigmatisation, which challenge and endanger Asmat authentic primitive art. ./cache/work_i5yios5iijd2rgg76z2hy5b3d4.pdf ./txt/work_i5yios5iijd2rgg76z2hy5b3d4.txt