id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_7qslytfy7nad3nx2aruejnbcpm Beatriz Munoz-Seca A Business Model for Cultural Services: Joint Design and Production of a Customer Experience 2011 16 .pdf application/pdf 7923 677 59 A customer experience looks beyond the specific cultural performance to design an interrelated The SAS describes the activities involved in designing a customer experience and analyzes the In this article we consider culture as a service that needs to be designed from the point of view of In this article we consider culture as a service that needs to be designed from the point of view of to jointly design and produce cultural services for an integrated customer experience. there is little attempt to design a service around the customer experience. 7 Cocreation refers to the joint creation of value by the company and the customer, allowing the customer to coconstruct the service experience to suit his context through joint problem definition and problem solving. The SAS comprises seven activities (see Figure 3), in three groups: service design, operational cultural service is a co-production22 among a group of institutions and the customer, resulting ./cache/work_7qslytfy7nad3nx2aruejnbcpm.pdf ./txt/work_7qslytfy7nad3nx2aruejnbcpm.txt