id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_2dmmx4xexfdvdcqd4iwlkkrknu Angela Munteanu PROMOTING NATIONAL IDENTITY IN STYLISTICS OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE AND INTERIOR DESIGN 2020 11 .pdf application/pdf 3865 297 57 The identity of a nation represents the culture, the traditions, the material values Keywords: thesaurus, contemporary, style, national, identity, tradition, culture, architecture, objects, simple tools, handicrafts, national costumes and ornaments from peasant houses, The design of the traditional house. The interior of a traditional house, with functional areas. Textiles occupy an important place in the decoration of the traditional house, woven significant pieces of traditional style furniture are "lavițele", the peasant bed that was Traditional style in a contemporary interior of styles using contemporary furniture and traditional ornaments on the wall, or wooden 100 Promoting national identity in stylistics of contemporary architecture and interior design 100 Promoting national identity in stylistics of contemporary architecture and interior design 100 Promoting national identity in stylistics of contemporary architecture and interior design 100 Promoting national identity in stylistics of contemporary architecture and interior design 100 Promoting national identity in stylistics of contemporary architecture and interior design ./cache/work_2dmmx4xexfdvdcqd4iwlkkrknu.pdf ./txt/work_2dmmx4xexfdvdcqd4iwlkkrknu.txt