id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_6xz26227c5eopcdje2puam3ube Chuma Kevin Owuamalam Correction to: When Might Heterosexual Men Be Passive or Compassionate Toward Gay Victims of Hate Crime? Integrating the Bystander and Social Loafing Explanations 2020 1 .pdf application/pdf 406 46 48 or Compassionate Toward Gay Victims of Hate Crime? Chuma Kevin Owuamalam1 · Andrea Soledad Matos2 The fifth sentence in the "Theoretical Opportunities" section read (incorrectly): weakened as a result of lesbian women who are so inclined… reactions toward lesbians and transgendered victims of hate crime such studies could also examine reactions toward norm conforming versus norm-deviating heterosexual victims. to reactions toward lesbians and transgendered victims of The original article can be found online at https :// * Chuma Kevin Owuamalam University of Nottingham Malaysia, Jalan Broga, 2 School of Psychology, University of Nottingham Malaysia, Correction to: When Might Heterosexual Men Be Passive or Compassionate Toward Gay Victims of Hate Crime? Correction to: When Might Heterosexual Men Be Passive or Compassionate Toward Gay Victims of Hate Crime? Integrating the Bystander and Social Loafing Explanations Integrating the Bystander and Social Loafing Explanations Correction to: Archives of Sexual Behavior https:doi.org10.1007s10508-019-01592-y ./cache/work_6xz26227c5eopcdje2puam3ube.pdf ./txt/work_6xz26227c5eopcdje2puam3ube.txt