id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt nyp.33433074929567 Brabourne, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen, baron Queer folk. Seven stories by the Rt. Hon. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugessen ... Illustrated by S. E. Waller 1874 .txt text/plain 79050 4083 80 They racked the old man's heart, however, by declaring that they had heard Miss Grace the old man had seen the party ride away, carrying As soon as she saw that her presence had been observed, she croaked out in a tremulous voice, "Goodday to ye, my little dears, good-day to your bonnie in any way remarkable about the figure, but it instantly occurred to Jack that the old Brocker had frequently shaken his head in a mysterious manner when Lady appeared to grow gradually more and more indistinct, until, as s.he concluded, it faded away completely from Jack's sight, and he saw her no more, suddenly open, and an old man and woman appeared "Pig-faced fool!" again said the old man, unmistakeably addressing the Queen; "is it you who and who accordingly looked upon the little old man Regarding the little old man, therefore, with a bashful look, she said very slowly, and ./cache/nyp.33433074929567.pdf ./txt/nyp.33433074929567.txt