id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt hvd.hwhs4x Lewis, Caroline. Clara in Blunderland, by Caroline Lewis [pseud.] With forty illustrations by S. R. 1902 .txt text/plain 11939 1228 95 said Clara, "and I don't like it, but Aunt "Thank you, sir," said Clara, when the Caterpillar had finished, " I'm very much obliged to "I know I'm stupid," said poor Clara, very "Well, do you know," said Clara, brightening "You see," she said to Clara, " that Cat does "It seems a very nice Cat," said Clara ; " but "But then," said Clara to herself, " they always do talk over everybody's " It sounds very beautiful, sir," said Clara, "I don't think I do," said Clara, doubtfully. "That would be dreadful," said Clara, "besides I think I've read somewhere that, All from inventing things," said Clara. "Oh!" said Clara, "why does he speak like said the Red Queen, angrily, to Clara. "Well," said Clara, " I'm afraid I don't And the Duchess said, " Really, Clara, I'm " You surprise me," said Clara, "I always a tail," said Clara, afterwards). ./cache/hvd.hwhs4x.pdf ./txt/hvd.hwhs4x.txt