id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt hvd.hw9t2e Ford, Julia Ellsworth Snickerty Nick by Julia Ellsworth Ford; rhymes by Witter Bynner; illustrations by Arthur Rackham 1919 .txt text/plain 3395 635 100 The little child had come to take the Giant to play in The little play of Snickerty Nick is not and beloved child, and Spring and Winter are personified by faeries and gnomes. [Giant kicks Dwarf again.] It's spring now and I want flowers in my garden and I don't understand why they won't grow. [The Giant starts to kick the Dwarf again.] [The Giant stops his foot in time, shakes his stick [As he pulls off the other boot, the Giant kicks [Chilblains touches the Giant's nose.] [The garden being now full of flowers, little You'd better not, the Giant won't like it. Giant comes in the front gate he'll catch us. The Giant always comes in the back gate. [The Giant looks at the child and puts the stick [Takes the Giant's hand and looks up into his [They join hands and dance round the Giant.] ./cache/hvd.hw9t2e.pdf ./txt/hvd.hw9t2e.txt