id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_k6us6ymj6vhtnbvdivfxfp7nby Jian-Da Wu Development of an expert system for fault diagnosis in scooter engine platform using fuzzy-logic inference 2007 13 .pdf application/pdf 5141 704 68 In the present study, a fault diagnosis system using acoustic emission with an adaptive order tracking technique and fuzzy-logic interference for a scooter platform is described. The order amplitude figures are then used for creating the data bank in the proposed intelligent fault diagnosis system. A fuzzy-logic inference is proposed to develop the diagnostic rules of the data base in the present fault diagnosis system. Keywords: Fault diagnosis; Fuzzy logic inference; Adaptive order tracking; Acoustic emission tracking technique is used to create different order amplitude figures of the scooter platform under various engine will be compared for fault diagnosis by using order amplitude figures of the scooter with normal and four fault conditions. adaptive order tracking technique and fuzzy logic inference Faults classification under various engine operation conditions with triangular membership function fault diagnosis in scooters platform using fuzzy-logic interference with adaptive order tracking technique is developed. ./cache/work_k6us6ymj6vhtnbvdivfxfp7nby.pdf ./txt/work_k6us6ymj6vhtnbvdivfxfp7nby.txt