id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_jmwy2qts4bh4tn2bnpbqflcqou AmirReza KarimiAzari Risk assessment model selection in construction industry 2011 7 .pdf application/pdf 6688 751 61 fuzzy TOPSIS method, this study provides a rational and systematic process for developing the best model risky, plan for the potential sources of risk in each project and manage each source during construction (Zayed, Amer, & Pan, 2008). major steps in project risk management is to identify and assess Many construction project risk assessment techniques currently used are comparatively mature tools (Zeng, An, & Smith, 2007). criticality analysis (Bowles & Pelaez, 1995) are the classical quantitative methods, used in construction industry for risk assessment. Seo (2004) presents fuzzy risk assessment methodology for underground construction projects. the risk assessment model selection problem under a fuzzy environment in this section. Many construction project risk assessment techniques are A fuzzy approach to construction project risk assessment and analysis: Construction project risk management system. Risk assessment model selection in construction industry Risk assessment model selection in construction industry Risk assessment model selection in construction industry ./cache/work_jmwy2qts4bh4tn2bnpbqflcqou.pdf ./txt/work_jmwy2qts4bh4tn2bnpbqflcqou.txt