id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-9676 Edward Thomas (poet) - Wikipedia .html text/html 4130 464 76 H. Davies was devastated by the death and his commemorative poem "Killed in Action (Edward Thomas)" was included in Davies's 1918 collection "Raptures".[6] H. Davies published his poem Killed in Action (Edward Thomas) to mark the personal loss of his close friend and mentor.[35] Edward Thomas's Collected Poems was one of Andrew Motion's ten picks for the poetry section of the "Guardian Essential Library" in October 2002.[38] The children's author Linda Newbery has published a novel, "Lob" (David Fickling Books, 2010, illustrated by Pam Smy) inspired by the Edward Thomas' poem of the same name and containing oblique references to other work by him. Thomas, Edward, Adlestrop (poem), UK: Poets' graves "Edward Thomas, Robert Frost and the road to war". "Roads Poem by Edward Thomas". Wikimedia Commons has media related to Edward Thomas (poet). "The Edward Thomas Collection", The First World War Poetry Digital Archive, UK: Oxford University Retrieved from "" ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-9676.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-9676.txt