id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-8778 Norman language - Wikipedia .html text/html 3002 512 69 When Norse Vikings from modern day Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland arrived in the then-province of Neustria and settled the land that became known as Normandy, these Germanic-speaking people came to live among a local Romance-speaking population.[3] In time, the communities converged, so that Normandy continued to form the name of the region while the original Normans became assimilated by the Gallo-Romance people, adopting their speech. An isogloss termed the "Joret line" (ligne Joret) separates the northern and southern dialects of the Norman language (the line runs from Granville, Manche to the French-speaking Belgian border in the province of Hainaut and ThiƩrache). As of 2017[update] the Norman language remains strongest in the less accessible areas of the former Duchy of Normandy: the Channel Islands and the Cotentin Peninsula (Cotentinais) in the west, and the Pays de Caux (Cauchois dialect) in the east. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-8778.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-8778.txt