id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-8651 Cypriot literature - Wikipedia .html text/html 1585 260 60 Cypriot literature covers literature from Cyprus found mainly in Greek, Turkish, English and/or other languages, including French. A great collection of sonnets in the manner of Francesco Petrarca and of Poèmes d'amour written in medieval Greek Cypriot date back from the 16th century, when Cyprus was a possession of the Republic of Venice. In 2002 her novel Secret History of Sad Girls was banned in the TRNC and Turkey and she received multiple threats from Turkish nationalists.[6][7] Sevgül Uludağ is an investigative reporter [8] who besides being instrumental in uncovering information on thousands of missing Cypriots [9] she has also authored a number of books.[10] Urkiye Mine Balman has written in a wide variety genres, but her works are mostly romantic poems describing sometimes a lonesome village girl or country life and long-distance romances. Cyprus-based writers in other languages includes the Armenian Cypriot poet Nora Nadjarian. Greek Cypriots in Northern Cyprus ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-8651.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-8651.txt