id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-6671 Machismo - Wikipedia .html text/html 13059 1255 62 Latin American scholars have noted that positive descriptors of machismo resemble the characteristics associated with the concept of caballerosidad.[5] Understandings of machismo in Latin American cultures are not all negative; they also involve the characteristics of honour, responsibility, perseverance and courage, related to both individual and group interaction.[5][6] Studies show Latin American men understand masculinity to involve considerable childcare responsibilities, politeness, respect for women's autonomy, and non-violent attitudes and behaviors.[7] In this way, machismo comes to mean both positive and negative understanding of Latin American male identity within the immigrant context. Many counseling psychologists are interested in further studies for comprehending the connection between counseling for males and topics such as sex-role conflicts and male socialization.[65] This high demand stems from such psychologists' abilities to make patients aware how some inflexible and pre-established ideals regarding sex-roles may be detrimental to people's way of regarding new changes in societal expectancies, fostering relationships, and physical and mental health.[65] Professionals such as Thomas Skovholt, psychology professor at the University of Minnesota, claim that more research needs to be done in order to have efficient mediation for men through counseling.[65] ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-6671.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-6671.txt