id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-1946 Arthur C. Clarke - Wikipedia .html text/html 13819 1853 76 Sir Arthur Charles Clarke CBE FRAS (16 December 1917 – 19 March 2008) was an English science-fiction writer, science writer, futurist,[3] inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host. Known as GRB 080319B, the burst set a new record as the farthest object that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye.[70] It occurred about 7.5 billion years ago, the light taking that long to reach Earth.[70] Larry Sessions, a science writer for Sky and Telescope magazine blogging on, suggested that the burst be named the "Clarke Event".[71][72] American Atheist Magazine wrote of the idea: "It would be a fitting tribute to a man who contributed so much, and helped lift our eyes and our minds to a cosmos once thought to be province only of gods."[73] ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-1946.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-1946.txt