id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-1054 Neil Gaiman - Wikipedia .html text/html 17281 2329 80 Artists include Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg, Jill Thompson, Shawn McManus, Marc Hempel and Michael Zulli, lettering by Todd Klein, colours by Daniel Vozzo, and covers by Dave McKean.[17] The series became one of DC's top selling titles, eclipsing even Batman and Superman.[46] Comics historian Les Daniels called Gaiman's work "astonishing" and noted that The Sandman was "a mixture of fantasy, horror, and ironic humor such as comic books had never seen before".[47][48] DC Comics writer and executive Paul Levitz observed that "The Sandman became the first extraordinary success as a series of graphic novel collections, reaching out and converting new readers to the medium, particularly young women on college campuses, and making Gaiman himself into an iconic cultural figure."[49] ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-1054.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-1054.txt