id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u Stefania Manca An analysis of ResearchGate and Academia. edu as socio-technical systems for scholars' networked learning: a multilevel framework proposal 2017.0 15 .pdf application/pdf 7622 531 47 ABSTRACT Academic social network sites (ASNS) like ResearchGate and are digital KEYWORDS Academic social network sites, ResearchGate,, Socio-technical systems, Digital technologies and social media are progressively reshaping professional development and workbased learning in a variety of knowledge intensive professions, such as teachers, academics and health professionals (Manca & Ranieri, 2017a). However, while empirical studies carried out in the light of these networked and social participatory frameworks have mostly focused on the microblogging site Twitter in scholarly practice (Kimmons & Veletsianos, 2016; Li & Greenhow 2015; Stewart, 2015), very few studies have thoroughly investigated academic social network sites (ASNS) like ResearchGate and use in the light of theoretical frameworks A socio-technical approach that combines emergent user practices and content with the platform's organizational level has been proposed in the study of social media and social network sites as microsystems (van ResearchGate and are undoubtedly the most popular of the social networking services developed specifically to support academic and research practices (Nicholas, Herman & Jamali, 2015). ./cache/work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u.pdf ./txt/work_t7syp4ri3vaa7mvow4apubm34u.txt