id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y Frederick W. Gibbs Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Introduction 2016.0 1 .pdf application/pdf 594 40 52 Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Despite ample rhetoric about the utility of new digital methods that have emerged from methods can be applied to research and teaching. digital methods? Especially in the case of medical history, real-world the History of Medicine, scholars gathered to address these timely issues and questions, history of medicine field as it faces an ever-greater digital world and intersects increasingly The reviews in this volume of Medical History, and those American newspapers, as well as new ways in which digital methods can and should be methodological questions about how best to bridge traditional and digital methods in the history of medicine. application and execution of digital methods in the history of medicine. Downloaded from Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Introduction*-2.5pc ./cache/work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y.pdf ./txt/work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y.txt