id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_7wtgfhvsbffdjpwvib4cp6cfwq Charles Watkinson The academic eBook ecosystem reinvigorated: A perspective from the USA 2018.0 8 .pdf application/pdf 6548 520 44 The development of infrastructure to support new forms of long-form digital scholarship that go 'beyond the eBook' has been an active area of especially university presses and library-based publishers. towards a 2020 digital strategy focused on transforming academic book content features dramatically enhanced eBook-based convened by the Library Publishing Coalition showcased a number of open-source platforms and tools created in the last few TABLE 1 Mellon-funded monograph publishing platform and tool projects (2014–2018). New York University Libraries and Press As real scholarly works start to be published on the new platforms and the various connecting tools and workflows start to be platform to improve engagement with eBooks, notably Topicgraph and Text Analyser ( The proliferation of new platforms, tools, and workflows has created excitement and uncertainty in the scholarly book publishing TOWARDS A SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING OPEN SOURCE ECOSYSTEM ./cache/work_7wtgfhvsbffdjpwvib4cp6cfwq.pdf ./txt/work_7wtgfhvsbffdjpwvib4cp6cfwq.txt