id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_etfog2unq5fu5n44yfjyo2qxza Zlatomir Dukic Depth of field in dental photography and methods for its control 2014.0 8 .pdf application/pdf 9492 2266 101 Dental photography requires some knowledge and equipment to obtain quality images of intraoral structures. DOF can be controlled by changing relative aperture, using special lenses with decentring to achieve the effect of Scheimpflug's principle Special significance of dental photography is documentation and ability to record maximum information in conditions dental photographs are also important prerequisites for quality and useful photography. Keywords: dental photography; depth of field; relative aperture; hyperfocal distance; Scheimpflug's principle object, lens focal length and relative aperture. Oštri na u du bi nu se mo že kon tro li sa ti pro me nom re la tiv nog otvo ra objek ti va, ko ri šće njem spe ci jal nih uslo va pri sni ma nju u usnoj du plji i pra vil no ču va nje i ar hi vi ra nje den tal nih fo to gra fi ja ta ko đe su zna ča jan pred u slov za kva li tet nu ./cache/work_etfog2unq5fu5n44yfjyo2qxza.pdf ./txt/work_etfog2unq5fu5n44yfjyo2qxza.txt