id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 57210 Footner, Hulbert The Substitute Millionaire .txt text/plain 85166 8322 92 "As to that," said Jack, "you're not man enough," and he took a step "Is that where they keep it, old man?" said Jack. "First, I want you to know my friend Jumbo," said Jack, handing him "Jack Norman!" said Bobo. To the chauffeur who opened the taxi door for them Jack said: "Hotel "Let's go into the next room," said Jack. Jack and Bobo went into the next room, and presently returned with a "I'm the good-looking one," said Jack, grinning. "That's what I'd like to know," said Jack. "Baldwin, I've got a new line on my man," said Jack. "Bobo," said Jack firmly, "if you don't come home with me, I swear I'll When they were alone in their rooms, Jack looked at him and said: "Let's go and look at her," said Jack. "That's our man!" said Jack. Jack not knowing if Bobo and Miriam would be out of the way, said "No." ./cache/57210.txt ./txt/57210.txt