id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 31949 Tracy, Louis The Bartlett Mystery .txt text/plain 64672 5606 90 Carshaw, Winifred opened the door of the dun house in One Hundred and Winifred's eyes rested often on the spot where Rex Carshaw had spoken to "Winifred," said Carshaw solemnly, "will you consider me your friend "Halloo!" cried Carshaw, while from both Winifred and Rachel came little "The thing seems to be, then, to let daylight into Carshaw," said Voles. "Are you Miss Winifred Bartlett?" asked Mrs. Carshaw the next afternoon "First, I wish to know something about yourself," said Mrs. Carshaw, "You can go away," said Mrs. Carshaw, "without letting him know whither "Why on earth doesn't Carshaw marry the girl?" said Clancy. "Senator Meiklejohn," said Mrs. Carshaw defiantly. "Glad to see you, Mr. Carshaw," said the little man. Yes. Winifred is 'the image of her mother,' said Voles. "It's a queer thing," said the man after a pause, when Winifred stopped Mrs. Carshaw," said Meiklejohn at last. ./cache/31949.txt ./txt/31949.txt