id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 18761 Green, Anna Katharine The Circular Study .txt text/plain 56630 3804 86 "Childish tricks for a man of his age and position," ruminated Mr. Gryce; but after catching another glimpse of the face lying upturned at the young man with the tell-tale face guilty of Mr. Adams's death. "Do you know who the young man is I saw leaving that house so man who had laughed on leaving Mr. Adams's house was not the father to in a way to make the young man smile, he looked up. "None; the one this way is the young man I saw leave Mr. Adams's house, said, this time with some feeling, for the misery of this young man had The young husband started, cast a look full of despair at Mr. Poindexter, and thrusting his hand against the door as if to hold it The inspector who was conducting the inquiry glanced dubiously at Mr. Gryce as these words left Thomas Adams's lips; whereupon the detective ./cache/18761.txt ./txt/18761.txt