id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 561 Defoe, Daniel The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe .txt text/plain 100743 2748 67 the villains that set them on shore in the island, came a little way mouth of that great river; and that the savages who came to my island men went to work, and the Spaniards came and helped them: and in a few With the seven Spaniards came one of the three savages, who, as I said, came so near our long-boat, that our men beckoned with their hands to captain told me he would go and help his men, let what would come. came back, six men should keep the two boats, and six more come after us; men came to me, and told me he would not have me trouble myself to come the men on board, had with great dexterity brought the ship almost to came by the country seat of this great man, we saw him in a little place ./cache/561.txt ./txt/561.txt