id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt mdp.39015068173015 Harrison, Thomas Erat. Some terms commonly used in ornamental design; 1906 .txt text/plain 2043 374 79 All-over continuous pattern, Figs. Border patterns, Figs. basis of nearly all scroll borders, whether repeating or merely flowing. and 6, which give examples of highly conventional foliated and floral work in repeating borders. Fig. 25 consists of fantastic foliage designed in a scroll-like manner, but is not, a repeat of the curves in Figs. This pattern is one which repeats in all This pattern is one which repeats in all "all-over continuous" repeating pattern. floral or foliated pattern interlaced with Arabesque usually denotes a flowing ornament of more or less capricious design, containing vase shapes, grotesques, trophies, 3. Scroll, Repeating Border Pattern, Conventional. 3. Scroll, Repeating Border Pattern, Conventional. 6. Scroll, Border, Repeating, Conventional. Scroll, Conventional, Foliated, Grotesque. 43Stripe Pattern, Repeating, Continuous, Sprig, Floral and Stripe Pattern, Repeating, Continuous, Conventional, Foliated Stripe Pattern, Repeating, Continuous, Conventional. All-Over Continuous Pattern, Conventional. Border, Repeating, Continuous, Geometric. Border, Repeating, Continuous, Geometric. ./cache/mdp.39015068173015.pdf ./txt/mdp.39015068173015.txt