id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_j7xw63zhkfhnlj5zfplc5frrha Thor Magnusson Algorithms as Scores: Coding Live Music 2011 7 .pdf application/pdf 4089 308 59 Algorithms as scores: coding live music Magnusson, Thor (2011) Algorithms as scores: coding live music. coding, where the score is written in the form of an algorithm, [1] (Fig. 1), a system of prescriptive instructions for conducting music, where each part of the hand's digits represents a the diverse musical compositions, performances and digital Live-coding practice accentuates the score, and whilst it of 20th-century artistic developments of the musical score, scores can be descriptive, i.e. used as visualizations of musical works, enabling listeners to engage with the piece through Live coding is a form of musical performed with his new Text live-coding live performance of computer music to scores, compositional systems or instruments for performance are often inherent with so much music that they should and musical performances, both including a live-coding submission category coding continues the 20th-century tradition of experimentation with the musical score. ./cache/work_j7xw63zhkfhnlj5zfplc5frrha.pdf ./txt/work_j7xw63zhkfhnlj5zfplc5frrha.txt