id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_gla5w2c5tfadlma3xj53nsvt6a Asu Besgen Teaching/Learning Strategies Through Art: Painting and Basic Design Education 2015 8 .pdf application/pdf 2584 204 57 Teaching/Learning Strategies Through Art: Painting and Basic Design Education an artistic expression takes, which is as same as for an architectural form, and the methods used through for a painting is nearly relationship between painting and architecture through basic design education. aim of proposing a new teaching/learning strategy for basic design education. Keywords: Education; Painting; Architecture; Basic Design; Space. The Relationship of Painting and Architecture: Space The concept is; "space", where all basic design elements and principles become auxiliary in creating Space in painting and architecture is an abstract concept created in mind based on the interrelations of objects. The Relationship of Painting and Architecture: Education 2. Improvement: Painting and Basic Design Education "Basic Design" courses in architecture aim at dealing with various concrete-abstract problems as a design exercises/examples in terms of perception, interpretation and design by painting-architecture-space relation. Basic Design Elements and Principles, To Comprehend Painting-Space-Design Relationship, To Design an Abstract ./cache/work_gla5w2c5tfadlma3xj53nsvt6a.pdf ./txt/work_gla5w2c5tfadlma3xj53nsvt6a.txt